What foods are bad for the heart? The healthiest foods for the heart. Foods that are bad for your heart

The human heart, as the most sensitive indicator, reacts to any events occurring in our lives. Stress, nervous overload, overwork, poor sleep, physical inactivity, and poor nutrition can lead us to cardiovascular diseases. To prevent this from happening, let's take care of the great worker from a young age. Healthy foods for the heart should always be on our table. They charge the heart muscle with energy, strengthen it, preventing it from wearing out prematurely.

For proper heart function, a person’s diet must contain foods rich in fiber, unsaturated fats, vitamins, carotene, resveratrol, flavonoids, microelements, especially potassium and magnesium.

Heart Healthy Products

Nature is generous and favorable to man, she gives him everything he needs for happiness and prosperity. It is important to be able to take advantage of her gifts. It’s not without reason that they say that the most important thing in our life is health, and everything else will follow.

  • Flavonoids

Flavonoids play an important role in the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. They are found in vegetables and fruits that are available to humans all year round. To keep your heart feeling good, you need to include plant-based foods in your menu every day. There are many flavonoids in citrus fruits (lemons, oranges, grapefruits), berries (blueberries, currants, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, elderberries), red grapes and red wine (the wine must be of high quality, therefore not cheap), beets, red onions , red cabbage, cherries. Eat onions, apples, pears, green vegetables, herbs, beans, walnuts and chicory.

  • Resveratrol

Resveratrol belongs to the phytoncides that are involved in the breathing process, protect the human body from all kinds of infections, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Grapes, blueberries, spinach, peanuts and many medicinal herbs, for example, comb knotweed, bird cherry fruits, fir needles, wild rosemary, are high in this beneficial substance.

  • Carotenes

Carotenes protect the body's cells from the destructive effects of free radicals. Young human cells are “protected” by carotenes; under the influence of this substance they remain young and strong longer and successfully resist external negative influences. Carotene must constantly be supplied to the human body through food. Foods rich in carotene: lettuce, greens, sea buckthorn, rowan, sorrel, green peas, pumpkin, apricots, carrots, kohlrabi, bell peppers, watermelon, melon, broccoli, peaches, nuts, fish, cucumbers, cheese, eggs, cottage cheese, sour cream , beef liver.

  • Potassium

Potassium is present in 50% of all body fluids, it regulates heart rhythm, prevents the accumulation of sodium in blood vessels and cells, regulates the acid-base balance of the blood, and lowers blood pressure. Potassium is found in potatoes, cabbage and pumpkin. Champions in the content of potassium salts are prunes, dried apricots, raisins, apricots and rose hips.

  • Magnesium

Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the functioning of blood vessels, it has a vasodilating effect and also relieves spasms. High magnesium content is found in oatmeal, buckwheat, millet and barley cereals, rye bread and bran bread, beets, carrots, greens, lettuce, almonds, walnuts and black currants.

Healthy juices for the heart

  • Beetroot juice is a storehouse of useful substances for the human body. Beetroot juice lowers blood pressure and is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Tomato juice and red grape juice promote hematopoiesis. They are very beneficial for the heart muscle.
  • Onion and garlic juice reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

To increase the nutritional value of juices, add flax or pumpkin seed oil to them.

Unsaturated fatty acids for the heart

Omega-3s have a truly magical effect on the human body. This improves the functions of the heart and blood vessels, reducing the risk of heart attacks, strokes and heart attacks. Unsaturated fatty acids help normalize blood pressure, relieve inflammation in joints, improve the functioning of all systems, and strengthen the immune system.

What other foods are good for your heart?

  • Fish, squid, shrimp. These products contain iodine, vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, and therefore on the functioning of the heart.
  • Pumpkin. This vegetable should always be on your plate. Its benefits can hardly be overestimated. Pumpkin contains a lot of vitamins and potassium. Pumpkin resists atherosclerosis, normalizes water-salt balance and blood pressure.
  • Broccoli. Cabbage is rich in vitamins C, D, and B vitamins. It contains potassium, magnesium, iron, dietary fiber, manganese and phosphorus. This is an excellent remedy for the prevention of heart disease and diabetes.
  • Mushrooms. This product neutralizes free radicals due to the content of the substance ergotianine. Mushrooms remove excess cholesterol, strengthen the immune system, and saturate the heart muscle with proteins and microelements. Even after cooking, mushrooms retain all their beneficial properties.
  • Bitter (dark) chocolate. Dark chocolate contains 70% cocoa butter. Therefore, it is good for the heart, lowers blood cholesterol levels, and lowers blood pressure. All other types of chocolate have a high amount of sugar and low cocoa butter content. There is little benefit from such a product.
  • Pomegranate. Pomegranate is considered one of the healthiest foods. It is best to consume pomegranate fresh or as freshly squeezed juice. Nutrients lower cholesterol levels in the blood, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, thin the blood, and normalize blood circulation. Pomegranate juice is high in antioxidants.
  • Avocado. Avocado contains unsaturated fatty acids, so it significantly reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases. Potassium promotes proper heart function, normalizes blood pressure, and a whole complex of minerals and vitamins improves hematopoiesis and circulation. Enzymes contained in avocado pulp accelerate the absorption of nutrients and prevent the weakening of the heart muscle. Avocados should be consumed raw, because this is the only way to preserve all the beneficial substances for the heart.

Take care of your heart, eat healthy and varied. In modern conditions there are all conditions for this. It is important to know what is good for your heart so that it will always be healthy and strong.

It cannot be said that the main organ in the body is the heart. It is impossible to live without a liver; death occurs very quickly when the excretory system fails. Even if the intestines malfunction, the body’s vital functions may cease.

But still the heart has a special role.

Long life of the main organ

If we compare the human body to a machine, then the heart is a motor. This muscular hollow organ, consisting of fibrous tissue, contracts and pumps blood through the circulatory system, providing oxygen to all other organs.

The engine needs high-quality fuel. Foods for the heart are those beneficial substances that enter the body with food. What foods are most important for heart function?

The heart works without stopping. It performs 55 to 80 contractions per minute – in a healthy state – continuously pumping blood. Its dimensions are relatively small - on average, for an adult of average height, it weighs no more than 350 g.

Theoretically, it is believed that the life of the body’s motor is up to 150 years, and people themselves are to blame for its poor condition.

Internal and external factors influence heart health:

  • disruptions in the functioning of the body;
  • experiences;
  • food for the heart.

Bad habits and poor nutrition cause serious damage to the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Nicotine and alcohol spasm blood vessels, and the heart has to work hard to push blood through them. With irrational or insufficient nutrition, a stressful situation is created for the heart and blood vessels: extra pounds create additional stress, cholesterol deposited in the vessels narrows them, and blood flow slows down.

If you eat foods that contain beneficial substances for the heart, you can normalize its functioning.

"Heart" products

Scientists, after numerous studies, have come to the conclusion that the most useful products for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system are the following:

  • Pomegranate. Normalizes blood flow, its use is a prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • Walnuts. Polyunsaturated acids and vegetable fats reduce cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • Avocado. Also rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • Flax-seed. Omega-3 fatty acids are found only in fish in such quantities as it contains. Thanks to them, the elasticity of blood vessels and cardiac muscle tissue is maintained;
  • Spinach. This vegetable crop with a high content of vitamin B9, when introduced into the body, can improve the cardiovascular system and restore its lost performance;
  • Broccoli. Its use saturates the heart with coenzymes Q10, which help it withstand increased energy load. If we continue the analogy with a car, then this substance is a lubricant for the mechanism;
  • Cereal grains, and especially brown oats. These products act as antioxidants - they rid the body of free radicals;
  • Pumpkin. In this " first aid kit from the garden» high content of vitamin C, beta-carotene and potassium. If the body feels a lack of potassium, the heart malfunctions;
  • Legumes. They are rich in flavonoids; they play a leading role in the prevention of arterial hypertension;
  • Apples. These most common and common fruits contain pectin and fiber, which help cleanse the body of toxins and normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

To strengthen the cardiovascular system, products from this list must be included in the daily menu.

Heart diet

Nutrition for heart disease should comply with the following principles:

The diet prescribed to patients suffering from heart disease is a diet. table number 10.

Foods included in a heart-healthy diet

Flour products: bread made from gray flour, slightly dried, savory biscuits, pasta.

Cereals of all types: porridge can be cooked in water and milk.

Soups: vegetarian - except mushroom. Season them with sour cream, citric acid, and herbs.

Vegetables. Except: radishes, radishes, onions, garlic, sorrel.

Meat, fish, poultry - low-fat varieties. Offal, caviar and canned food are excluded from the diet. Sausages - doctor's and diet sausages, milk sausages - with restrictions.

Eggs. They should not be consumed hard-boiled.

Dairy and fermented milk products, except salted cheeses.

Fruits: sweet fruits and fresh berries.

Sweet dishes and desserts. Mousses, jelly in all types, jam, honey, non-chocolate candies.

Spices. Vanillin, citric acid, cinnamon, bay leaf.

Beverages. Weak tea and coffee, all vegetable and fruit juices, decoctions. Limit grape juice.

Fats. Oils: unsalted butter, ghee, vegetable.

In the diet for cardiac arrhythmia, the following products must be included in the menu:

  • turnip;
  • celery;
  • carrot;
  • apricots;
  • peaches;
  • cherries;
  • figs;
  • cranberries

The daily diet looks something like this:

  • breakfast - milk porridge seasoned with fruit, sunflower and sesame seeds, citrus juice;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, meatballs with mashed potatoes, berry juice;
  • afternoon snack - fruit jelly;
  • dinner - steamed fish with a side dish of brown rice;
  • before going to bed - rosehip decoction or chamomile infusion.

Traditional medicine to strengthen the heart

Recipes for drinks and foods that need to be included in the diet to improve heart function using folk remedies.

Honey drink. Add a teaspoon of honey and apple cider vinegar to 100 ml of cool water. Drink a tablespoon half an hour before each meal.

Mint drink. Brew a teaspoon of dry mint leaves with a glass of boiling water in the morning, leave for an hour, and drink on an empty stomach. You need to drink the drink in small sips.

Well-being often depends on how smoothly and accurately the main “motor” of the body—the heart and blood vessels—works. Good “fuel” for them is not gasoline or oil, but healthy products that need to be included in the menu.

When building a healthy menu, you should consider some principles:

What vitamins, microelements, and minerals do the cardiovascular system need?

The basis of many diseases is an unbalanced metabolism caused by a lack of healthy food components.

The correct combination of vitamins, macro- and microelements restores this deficiency and has a good effect on the functioning of the myocardium:

Products for the heart and blood vessels

With the right approach, products can serve as effective medicine that benefits the heart and blood vessels. The combination of the general principles of nutrition given above and individual preferences will become an effective prevention of possible cardiovascular pathologies and a powerful tool in the fight against existing problems.

All the products necessary for the heart and blood vessels are most fully absorbed by the “Mediterranean diet”. Its healing effect has been proven by many Western and Eastern centenarians.

The basis of the system is the use of:

Much attention is paid to fish and seafood, which are the main source of Omega-3 polyunsaturated acids. Olive oil containing these substances is used generously. In addition to olive oil, any type of vegetable oil can diversify the diet - the main thing is that they are unrefined and cold-pressed.

Animal meat (lamb, pork, veal) is rarely found on the menu. The protein diet is supplemented by certain types of dairy products, which the Mediterranean diet treats selectively.

These are low-fat:

Dried fruits, nuts, and honey are preferred as desserts.

The listed products will not allow cholesterol to clog blood vessels and prevent the heart from functioning properly.

The main thing is to treat the given diet not as a diet, but as a long-term collection of eating habits aimed at maintaining activity and vigor.

Foods containing magnesium and potassium for heart health

Potassium and magnesium – 2 vital minerals:

  • responsible for acid-base, water-salt balance;
  • make muscle and bone tissue stronger;
  • accelerate metabolic processes.

These elements have a primary effect on the functions of the heart and blood circulation. Potassium and magnesium are absorbed together, so it is advisable to highlight foods rich in them. The leader is wheat bran. The second position is occupied by soybeans. In 3rd position are beans.

Lots of potassium and magnesium in dried fruits and nuts. Along with minerals, sea kale will replenish the body with iodine and have a beneficial effect on the endocrine system.

At the same time they contain potassium and magnesium, they are perfectly stored at any time of the year:

  • buckwheat;
  • pistachios;
  • Walnut;
  • oat and barley groats.

If you need to include minerals in your diet separately, you should use the lists below as a guide.

For potassium:

For magnesium:

The products improve myocardial contraction and prevent heart attack. They increase the elasticity of blood vessels and prevent angina pectoris.

Meat products

The scientific community has long been studying the beneficial and harmful properties of meat products. Containing amino acids, zinc, phosphorus, iron, meat is indispensable for the cardiovascular system.

Not all of its types have a beneficial effect on the body. Red meat (lamb, pork, legs of chickens, geese, ducks) poses a health hazard: it contains large amounts of dangerous cholesterol, which provokes the formation of vascular plaques.

They cause chronic disorders or acute cardiac catastrophe (stroke, heart attack). Red meat that has been processed and comes to the table in the form of sausages, pates, and cold cuts is especially harmful.

Foods that are good for the heart and blood vessels include several types of meat:

  • Chicken. Carefully raised at home and free from industrial feed, chicken is a source of protein. It has 2 valuable components: the amino acid taurine, which stabilizes blood pressure, and nicotinic acid, which prevents heart attacks.
  • Beef- an exception to the rule, it has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, including coenzyme Q10, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and zinc, which has cardioprotective properties.

In addition to lean meat, beef by-products also provide benefits. Beef heart is an affordable, budget option. Its calorie content is lower than that of meat, and its nutritional value is superior to beef in some respects (the content of chromium and B vitamins is several times higher).

  • Veal. Refers to dietary types of meat. When consumed, almost no cholesterol enters the body, so it is allowed for people with atherosclerosis.

For maximum benefit, it is necessary to prepare boiled, stewed, baked meat dishes and avoid adding additional fats in the form of sunflower oil. And the main thing is to remember that meat is good only in moderate and reasonable quantities.

List of healthy vegetables

Vegetables are rich in natural vitamins and minerals.

Among the variety for the heart and blood vessels, you should choose vegetables:


Foods that are good for the heart and blood vessels include fruits, which are as important as vegetables.


Picked from the garden or frozen, in jam or pies, berries prolong the life of the heart:


Vegetable oils contribute to the improvement of the cardiovascular system. They contain healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are easily absorbed by the body without forming cholesterol, and are an essential component of a balanced diet. At the same time, solid vegetable fats - butter, margarine and artificial trans fats - are excluded from the diet.

Healing oils for the heart:

  • olive;
  • grape seed;
  • linen;
  • sesame;
  • walnut;
  • peanut.


Most people are accustomed to using greens as a savory addition to their dishes.

However, it is also effective as an independent remedy for strengthening the heart and blood vessels:

  • Spinach, kale. These dark green leafy vegetables are useful as a dietary and therapeutic dish due to their high content of fiber, chlorophyll, and beta-carotene. Carotenoids in the composition strengthen blood vessels and protect them from oxidative damage.
  • Chard, or Swiss chard. Beet tops are rich in substances that are good for the heart: vitamins A and E, potassium and magnesium, lutein, which forms blood cells.
  • Arugula. It is a storehouse of macro- and microelements (iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese) and B vitamins. Flavonoids in arugula strengthen the walls of blood vessels, so the product is indicated for heart problems, varicose veins, and thrombophlebitis.


Sea fish is a source of protein with healthy polyunsaturated fats and an important component of the “heart diet.” Omega-3 fatty acids reduce vascular damage and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Suitable for use:

Dairy products

From birth, milk provides human vital activity. Thanks to calcium, potassium and magnesium, milk and products based on it dilate blood vessels and reduce blood pressure, and help remove cholesterol in heart pathologies.

In addition to milk, the following will benefit:

  • kefir;
  • curdled milk;
  • low-fat yogurt;
  • hard cheese.


Whole grain cereals are beneficial:

Other foods and drinks that improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels

Products that are good for the heart and blood vessels are far from being limited to the above categories.

Additions to the “heart diet” include:

  • Dark chocolate. The cocoa content in it must be at least 70%. This sweetness increases the concentration of a compound important for blood vessels - nitric oxide, and regulates blood pressure.
  • Nuts. Walnuts, cashews, and almonds are a source of healthy fats that destroy “bad” cholesterol.
  • Chia and flax seeds. Both are rich in nutrients, including omega-3s and insoluble fiber.

Table of harmful foods for women and men

Saturated animal fats Lamb, pork, pork ribs, chicken skins, fried meat, sausages, sausages (especially smoked), cold cuts, canned meat
Dairy Completely low-fat products
Products with trans fats Confectionery, cream cakes, fast food, deep-fried dishes, margarine
Beverages Alcohol, drinks with high sugar content

Which seasonings are allowed and which are prohibited?

Seasonings and spices containing large amounts of sodium are prohibited, as it increases blood pressure.


  • table salt (more than 1 tsp per day);
  • seasonings for instant dishes;
  • soy sauce;
  • mayonnaise.

An alternative to them are natural seasonings, including:

Therapeutic diets for good functioning, strengthening the heart and blood vessels

For the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, “Diet No. 10” is prescribed. This is a “table”, a mode and way of eating designed for a long time.

Consumption in the diet is limited:

  • fatty meat;
  • muffins;
  • strong drinks;
  • salt;
  • spicy food.

Allowed products of Diet No. 10:

Example recipes

An example of a healthy dish is a salad recipe with avocado and salmon.

You will need:

  • Avocado – 1 pc.
  • Lightly salted salmon – 150 g.
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • Cherry tomatoes – 4-5 pcs.
  • Arugula.
  • Garlic – 1 clove.
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp.

You need to tear the arugula into small pieces with your hands and place it on the bottom of a deep plate. Carefully cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, peel and cut into small slices. Add salmon, cut into pieces, cherry tomatoes and bell pepper.

For dressing, squeeze garlic juice into olive oil and pour the resulting mixture over the prepared salad. This dish is suitable for both a festive and an ordinary table.

Advice from doctors and nutritionists on nutrition for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases

To master the “heart menu” faster, you need to be systematic.

Stable heart function, strong elastic blood vessels - the body’s gratitude for choosing healthy foods.

Nature has endowed people with an abundance of organic medicines, and this should be used, because the contents of the plate can significantly protect life.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about foods that are good for the heart and blood vessels

About the most important thing: nutrition and regimen for the heart:

From this article you will learn: why vitamins are needed for blood vessels. Which ones should be used to strengthen the walls of capillaries and improve the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system. Is it possible to recover from diseases of the arteries and veins using only vitamins?

Article publication date: 09/07/2017

Article updated date: 06/02/2019

Vitamins are a large group of organic substances, varying in chemical composition, that are united by one feature: without them, not a single system in the body can function normally. A person needs all types of vitamins to live, but only a small part of them affects the vascular walls.

Despite the fact that the article is devoted to vitamins, one cannot fail to mention minerals that ensure the normal functioning of blood vessels. And any pharmacy complex always contains both, since they enhance each other’s effects and do not work alone.

The effects of vitamin molecules and minerals on veins and arteries consist of:

  1. Strengthening the wall by affecting smooth muscle cells and increasing the elasticity or distensibility of the vessel.
  2. Reducing the harmful effects of free radicals formed during oxidative reactions.
  3. Binding harmful fractions of cholesterol and removing them from the body.
  4. Improving the rheology (fluidity) of blood and preventing the formation of small blood clots that disrupt normal blood flow in the vessels.
  5. Normalization of all types of metabolic processes in cells and intercellular space of the vascular wall.

Considering the effect of vitamins on the vascular system, their use includes:

  • prevention of possible pathological changes;
  • treatment of existing problems as one of the elements of complex treatment of the disease.

Speaking about the preventive intake of vitamin-mineral complexes, it should be noted that the modern rhythm of life often does not allow a person to include in his diet all the necessary food products so that the amount of incoming vitamin molecules corresponds to the needs of the body. Therefore, the use of additional sources of nutrients is already a necessity.

One dose of minerals and vitamins cannot completely eliminate the possibility of a disease, much less cure an existing pathology. The mechanism of development of any disease is always associated with more than one factor. But lack of essential vitamin molecules and minerals is one of them.

Doctors' opinions about the importance of using vitamins vary significantly: from complete denial of their importance (with a reservation about good nutrition) to absolute confidence that without mineral and vitamin support, the risk of vascular pathology increases significantly. But to date, not a single reliable study has been conducted on this matter, and it is impossible to provide evidence in favor of any of these opinions.

Most doctors still believe that this issue needs to be resolved individually, after assessing the patient for the presence of a heart condition, the adequacy of the diet and signs of vitamin deficiency.

Get information about:

  • what vitamins are needed for the vascular system;
  • what foods or pharmaceutical products contain them;
  • how much should be consumed,

You can see a general practitioner, cardiologist, neurologist or vascular surgeon.

Indications for use

Vitamins for strengthening blood vessels and improving their functioning are recommended for prevention purposes, as well as as part of any treatment regimen for the cardiovascular system.


Its goal is to reduce the possibility of the disease occurring, so the use of minerals and vitamins in this case is indicated for people at risk of developing vascular pathology, as well as healthy people who want to prolong the normal functioning of their arteries and veins.

It is recommended to take the drugs as an additional source of essential substances in winter for 4–6 weeks. This is due to the accumulative properties of many of the vitamins and minerals, whose reserves from the summer-autumn period come to an end in January-February.

Use for more than six weeks is not advisable due to the sufficiency of this period to restore “reserves” in the body.


For therapeutic purposes, mineral and vitamin supplements are recommended to be included in the complex treatment of vascular pathology of any type. The time for taking medications in this case is determined by the attending physician, based on the stage of the disease and the degree of changes in the walls of blood vessels.

In this case, using vitamin substances as the only means of treatment is fraught with serious and sometimes fatal complications.

Group of diseases or conditions Their specific types
Acute forms of damage to the vascular bed, accompanied by disruption of the structure and function of the organ Phlebitis
Aortic dissection
Thrombosis of arteries and (or) veins
Chronic variants of diseases that are accompanied by secondary damage to healthy vessels in the pathological area Postthrombotic disease
Aneurysms of all locations
Varicose veins
Systemic pathological changes in blood vessels leading to disruption of the structure of their walls Vasculitis
Surgical interventions on the organs of the cardiovascular system, open or endovascular Endarterectomy
Balloon expansion
Bypass surgery
Vascular suture for any reason
Damage to the vascular wall Bruises
Diagnostic procedures

Purpose of their appointment

Any combination of vitamins and minerals prescribed for the vascular system has a number of general effects. They are used to obtain a therapeutic effect.

1. Strengthening properties

Vitamin molecules have an effect on the cells of the muscle layer of blood vessels, increasing their ability to contract and relax in accordance with the volume of blood passing through the lumen. If this process is disrupted, the capillaries cannot cope with the load and rupture, further worsening the impaired blood flow in the tissues. Prolonged expansion of the vessel leads to significant sweating of fluid through its wall, promoting its accumulation in the tissues. The strengthening effect of vitamins is also manifested in blocking this process.

2. Protective properties

Under conditions of low blood supply, the processes of oxygen-free energy production in cells are activated to maintain vital functions, which leads to the formation of so-called “oxygen free radicals.” Such molecules have a destructive effect on surrounding tissues and lead to their death.

A number of vitamins neutralize such dangerous molecules and save cells from death.

3. Cleansing properties

When lipid metabolism is disrupted in the blood, the level of cholesterol fractions increases - substances that settle on the inner surface of blood vessels and form deposits or plaques that destroy the normal structure of the wall and its function.

Vitamin molecules “catch” such fractions in the blood and remove them from the body.

4. Anti-clotting properties

Slowing down the speed of blood flow through the vessels leads to the fact that platelets (the main participants in the processes of coagulation or clot formation) begin to “rub” against each other, activating their own ability to stick together. This is how intravascular microthrombi are formed, which, entering narrow capillaries, block their lumen. If there are defects in the inner layer of the vessel, which is typical for venous pathologies, then platelets are fixed to this zone, and a blood clot gradually forms there.

Certain types of “vascular” vitamins have an effect specifically on platelets, preventing them from sticking together and improving blood fluidity.

5. Humoral properties

When there are problems with the movement of blood (inflow and (or) outflow), the normal processes of exchange of electrolytes and nutrients in the cell are disrupted. This is the reason for the decrease and then complete shutdown of the function of tissues and organs. An excess of some metabolic products and a deficiency of others is formed.

Minerals and vitamins compensate for this condition, returning the balance to normal.

What vitamins are taken, their effect on blood vessels

In this part of the article, we will analyze specific minerals and vitamins for blood vessels, because not all of their huge quantities affect the vascular system.

Vitamin or mineral His action Natural source
Nicotinic acid (PP, B3) Removes cholesterol and its fractions from plasma

Expands the lumen of small and medium vessels





Rutoside (P) Strengthens the walls of the vascular bed

Reduces the capacity of small capillaries for liquid



Green loose tea

Rose hip

Ascorbic acid (C) Prevents the formation of blood clots by acting on platelets

Suppresses oxygen-free oxidation processes

Protects vascular wall cells from internal inflammatory factors

Reduces the ability of capillaries to pass fluid


Bell pepper


Pantothenic acid (B5) Restoration of the walls of the vascular system

Normalization of cholesterol fractions in the blood



Tocopherol (E) Reduces the formation of blood clots inside blood vessels

Improves nutrition of the vascular wall

Suppresses the oxidative and destructive effects of oxygen radicals

Inhibits oxygen-free oxidation processes

Strengthens the walls of the vascular system, affecting elastin

Vegetable oils



Thiamine (B1) Suppresses the effect of oxidative radicals on the cells of the vascular wall

Normalizes adequate functioning of smooth muscles, affecting the process of transmission of nerve impulses

Participates in lipid metabolism of cholesterol fractions


Sunflower seeds

Pyridoxine (B6) Maintains normal hemoglobin levels and saturation with iron to provide the cells of the vascular wall with the necessary amount of oxygen

An active participant in fat metabolism, without which cholesterol, harmful to blood vessels, is formed


Bell pepper

Retinol (A) Suppresses oxidative processes and the destructive effect of already formed active oxygen molecules on surrounding structures

Participant in the internal regulation of blood coagulation



Rose hip

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (F) Removal of excess cholesterol fractions

Normalization of fat metabolism

Restoration of physiological blood clotting


red fish



Ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10) Suppression of oxidative reactions

Protection from the destructive effects of oxidation products

Prevents platelet clots from forming in the lumen of blood vessels


Vegetable oils

Potassium and sodium Ensuring adequate blood flow contraction of vascular smooth muscle fibers Dried apricots
Calcium Responsible for the process of muscle contraction and relaxation Milk products
Selenium Suppresses the processes of oxidation and destruction of cells of the vascular system Liver
Magnesium Normalizes the functioning of potassium-sodium transmission

Reduces the formation of clots in blood vessels

Sea kale
Phosphorus Responsible for the stability and stability of cells during smooth muscle contraction

Participant in the process of nerve impulse transmission to the walls of blood vessels


Many diseases of the heart and blood vessels make us think that in addition to following all the cardiologist’s recommendations regarding drug treatment, we also need to think about drawing up a rational menu. Patients often believe that in case of emerging cardiac pathologies, it is enough to follow a diet only for a short time. However, this is not the case, and in order to prevent possible exacerbations and progression of the disease, you should radically reconsider your principles for drawing up a daily menu.

Choosing the right nutrition for your heart can significantly reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

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For proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels, the diet of patients with chronic heart disease should include foods that contain large amounts of the following beneficial substances:

  • Omega-3– unsaturated fatty acids are recommended by all leading cardiologists and have cardioprotective, antiarrhythmic, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory and lipid-stabilizing properties;
  • magnesium– necessary for regulating heart rhythm, lowering blood pressure, maintaining potassium levels in the blood and reducing the likelihood of blood clots;
  • potassium– is the main building material for cells, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and stabilizes heart rate and blood pressure;
  • coenzyme(or coenzyme) Q10– eliminates hypertension, protects cardiomyocytes from damage when taking cardiotoxic drugs and performing surgical interventions;
  • antioxidants(vitamins C, A, E and selenium) – participate in the destruction of free radicals, helping to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol, strengthen the immune and nervous systems;
  • B vitamins(pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, niacin and niacinamide) – contribute to the dilation of blood vessels and lower blood pressure, participate in normalizing the ratio between “harmful” and “good” cholesterol, and prevent clogging of the lumen of blood vessels;
  • cellulose fiber– useful for removing “bad” cholesterol in the digestive tract.

Top 10 affordable and useful products

To create the right menu, people suffering from heart and vascular diseases should include in their diet the following food products that are in the top 10 most healthy and affordable. When introducing them into the diet, you must make sure that there are no contraindications to their use.

Fatty fish

Fatty fish - sardine, salmon, salmon, mackerel, catfish, etc. - contain polyunsaturated fatty acids. And the most beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels is provided by Omega-3. It is not produced in the human body and must be taken with food. Its beneficial effects have been proven by numerous studies by foreign and Russian scientists.

Omega-3 is found in the following types of fish:

  • salmon;
  • mackerel;
  • salmon;
  • smelt;
  • anchovy;
  • tuna;
  • herring;
  • mackerel;
  • sardines, etc.

Cardiologists and family medicine doctors recommend including dishes from such fish in your diet at least 2 times a week. Such advice from doctors should be heeded not only by patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, but also by patients with diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the kidneys and endocrine system.


Vegetable oils can be another accessible source of beneficial Omega-3s. That is why people with cardiac diseases should include the following in their diet:

  • olive;
  • corn;
  • flaxseed

Using these oils in cooking will help lower blood pressure and reduce blood viscosity. As a result, the heart and blood vessels will not experience excessive stress, and the patient’s general well-being will improve.


Cashews, pine nuts, almonds, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts and hazelnuts are sources of magnesium and can be included in the diet of patients with heart and vascular diseases, in the absence of contraindications to their use. The magnesium they contain is a natural tranquilizer and anti-stress agent. Its use is especially indicated for people whose cardiovascular diseases were caused by stress or whose profession is associated with these factors.

Signs of magnesium deficiency in the body may include the following:

  • insomnia;
  • irritability;
  • flickering dots before the eyes;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • convulsions;
  • headache;
  • cramps in the stomach;
  • deterioration of hair and nails.

People with heart and vascular diseases should take into account the fact that the need for this element increases during heat, diseases accompanied by the release of a larger volume of urine, or conditions that cause increased sweating.

Dried apricots

This product contains a large amount of potassium, which is necessary for patients or people whose occupation involves emotional or physical stress. This element is involved in maintaining the balance between tissue and cellular fluids. Thanks to its effect on the body, myocardial contraction is normalized, heart rhythm and blood pressure are stabilized. Potassium ensures the removal of excess fluid accumulated in tissues and helps eliminate depression. This element also improves the delivery of oxygen to brain cells and can help prevent strokes.

Signs of potassium deficiency in the body are the following:

  • poor appetite;
  • decreased muscle strength;
  • convulsions;
  • nausea;
  • swelling;
  • dyspepsia in the form of constipation;
  • decrease in the volume of urine excreted;
  • weakness;
  • apathy.


This cereal contains many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. These include:

  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6 and B9);
  • vitamins PP, H and E;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • fluorine and other minerals and trace elements.

The core of this cereal contains components that eliminate iron deficiency resulting from various cardiovascular diseases, enhance immunity and stabilize the level of “bad” cholesterol. Buckwheat can be recommended for inclusion in the menu even for those patients who have pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, gastritis, duodenitis, etc.) or are overweight.


Nutritionists believe that the main source of coenzyme Q-10 (or ubiquinone) for the human body is beef. It is this substance contained in meat that is the most powerful antioxidant.

Beef is included in the diet of patients suffering from heart disease. Coenzyme Q-10 helps normalize metabolism, helps produce energy in cardiomyocytes, helps eliminate depression, regulates vascular activity and has an additional positive effect on brain cells and other tissues.


Acids, vitamins, bioflavonoids, microelements, anthocyanins, sugars and pectins contained in the beak have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and the heart muscle. They help normalize metabolic reactions, increase immunity, and suppress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

Cranberries contain B vitamins and ascorbic acid, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels and have a beneficial effect on the immune system. Nicotinic acid helps the body absorb vitamin C and enhances its antioxidant properties. Vitamin B1 normalizes the activity of the nervous system, heart and digestive tract. And pantothenic acid helps normalize carbohydrate and fat metabolism. The high potassium content, the absorption of which is improved due to the presence of vitamin B6, also strengthens the walls of capillaries and myocardial tissue.

The fiber contained in cranberries - pectins - is “water soluble”. It is able to bind liquid and harmful components into a jelly-like mass, which is eliminated from the body naturally. Thanks to this, metabolic processes in the body are stabilized, the level of “bad” cholesterol is reduced, and the likelihood of developing vascular atherosclerosis becomes less.

Green tea

This type of tea contains many antioxidants and flavonoids that are beneficial for the heart and blood vessels. A number of studies conducted in reputable scientific medical centers have shown that drinking 4-5 cups of green tea per day can improve the condition of vascular walls.

Despite all the beneficial properties of this drink, beloved by many, it should be remembered that for some diseases its use may be contraindicated. That is why, if you intend to use it constantly or for preventive purposes, you should consult a specialist.


A number of experiments have shown that substances contained in broccoli improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. They are able to reduce damage that occurs when there is insufficient oxygen supply to myocardial cells.

Broccoli contains B vitamins, vitamin A, E, C, U, K and PP. And the microelement composition is represented by sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, selenium and copper, which are beneficial for the heart and blood vessels.

When consuming broccoli, the human body is saturated with protein, essential amino acids and a compound similar in its properties to endorphin (“the hormone of happiness”). This vegetable crop contains a small amount of carbohydrates and fats, which means that this product can be used for weight loss, which is indicated for many patients with cardiovascular diseases.


Despite the fact that spinach has an absolutely neutral taste, its set of microelements and vitamins allows it to be used as an effective remedy for anemia. This greenery also contains many substances that are good for the heart. Antioxidants and polyphenols protect the cells of the vascular system from the influence of harmful radicals, and the low energy value of this food product allows it to be consumed even by people suffering from excess weight.

Spinach contains a lot of potassium, which is also useful for patients with heart and vascular diseases. Thanks to this element, blood pressure is stabilized and heart rate is normalized.

Spinach contains substances that have a mild diuretic effect. That is why this greenery can be recommended to patients with cardiovascular diseases, who, due to dysfunctions of this and the urinary system, experience swelling.

What foods and dishes should you avoid?

The most harmful to the health of the heart and blood vessels are:

  • sugar and salt in excess;
  • modified fats (for example, margarine or dishes containing such ingredients);
  • meat undergoing deep processing;
  • black and red caviar;
  • sparkling wines and champagne;
  • beer;
  • fast food;
  • carbonated drinks.

Cardiologist Petrova Yu.