Bioenergy management. Human bioenergy: what it is and how to develop it. III. Basics of biochemistry

Energy is the basis of life. She's everywhere. Thanks to her, this world exists. We exist.

The state of the physical body depends on the state of the human subtle system.

Subtle energy is primary, the physical plane is secondary. All processes occurring on the subtle plane tend to be displayed in physical reality; the speed and period of display depend on the linear time constant of a given physical reality. Illness, in whatever manifestation it may be, be it diseases of the physical body, internal organs, mental or spiritual illnesses, illnesses of the spirit, is a consequence of an incorrect way of thinking.

Thought is energy in a certain range of energy frequencies.

Each emotion has its own wave vibration. Each of our thoughts or emotions, regardless of our desire, goes into space and, like a stone thrown into water, creates and intensifies a similar vibration in the general global energy flow. Every thought or emotion we have, regardless of our desire, comes back to us in the form of a wave vibration of the same wavelength, amplified by an order of magnitude by similar waves of the general world flow. “What you sow, you reap”, “and what you throw will return to you tenfold.”

The energies of the galactic core are very strong and under their influence, a transformation of our reality, our reality, our life, our existence on the physical plane and in subtle bodies is currently taking place.

The universe is made up of an infinite number of energy fields, with different wavelengths (vibration frequencies), which in essence resemble threads of light. And these threads (energy fields) come from a light source called God or the Supreme Cosmic Mind.

- All together the energy fields form the General Energy World Flow.

- Energy fields permeate our entire space. Lower vibration energies are physical in nature and form our physical Universe. They consist of physical bodies, objects, planets and their satellites, etc. The energies of subtle (high vibrations) have the ability to freely pass through the energies of lower vibrations, while enriching them with light and information of a more subtle order, spiritualizing them.

- Each type of energy field, having a different wavelength (vibration frequency), has its own specific color: from black, dark brown, red to blue, indigo, violet, gold and white, white-silver.

- All creatures in the Universe also consist of the same energy fields, which manifest themselves in the form of a luminous cocoon or aura.

- Depending on a person’s thinking, energy fields, the aura, are painted in certain colors, from gray-black to light blue, gold and white. The color of the aura speaks about the quality of energy emitted by a person into the world around him, his lifestyle, state of mind and health. Those. the state of our aura, subtle bodies and physical body, our health, beauty and youth directly depend on our way of thinking.

- A person is a drop of energy in the general world flow and one of the tasks of a person, his purpose and lesson on the physical plane is the transformation of karmic interactions and merging with the general world flow, the study of duality through the study of the physical plane and the transformation of dual energies into a single purposeful whole.

The not entirely clear, very scientific concept of “bioenergy” has already become an integral part of our life. Along with such words as “aura”, “esotericism”, “nirvana”, “reiki”, “prana”, etc. These expressions are heard quite often; completely different people talk about it. Only the meaning that is put into them does not always coincide. Human ideas about “bioenergy” are quite different. For some reason, the expression Bioenergy evokes associations specifically with psychics. This is far from true.

Almost all people think: " Bioenergy is something like extrasensory abilities that exceptionally gifted people possess "When people see an evil person, they reasonably believe that his energy is also evil, bad, and one should expect only something bad, negative from him. For example, the evil eye or damage, “energy vampirism” (selection of energy) and similar things. But a good person a person radiates goodness, often serves as a battery, he is ready to give energy.

Although the concept of bioenergy has entered our everyday life, it remains completely unclear. Every housewife, every schoolchild who sometimes watches TV can explain that each of us has some kind of shell, maybe even several of them. They will also tell you that Aura can be healthy or sick. Every person wants to have a healthy aura, but few people know how to do this, since they do not consider bioenergy in relation to themselves.

This is how the concept of Bioenergy is explained in dictionaries:

Bioenergy- a scientific discipline that studies energy processes in cells, tissues, individuals, ecosystems, etc. (Dictionary of natural sciences.)

Bioenergy- (1) a discipline that studies the processes of energy transformations during the existence of biological organisms and the functioning of the biosphere as a whole; (2) the branch of knowledge about the unified information field, about its interaction with biological objects of all levels of complexity. (Encyclopedia of Esotericism)

The nature of the bioenergy field has already been quite well studied in scientific circles. But there is a certain mass of people who consider this quackery. Most scientists have the following point of view: the bioenergy field is the carrier of human consciousness. It controls biological processes, the bioenergy field organizes the existence and vital activity of matter.

If we consider the individual energy information field, it is a part of the single energy information field of the Universe. To put it very simply, everyone has their own field. It is subject to influence from the surrounding world, but also itself affects the surrounding world.

People knew about the biofield in the distant past. Since the biofield cannot be seen with the naked eye, in order to reflect the fact of its existence, ancient drawings depicted a halo, a glow indicating the invisible that surrounds the human body. The assumption about the existence of diseases transmitted by energy is quite controversial. No one can confirm or deny this circumstance with great certainty. Higher, subtle energy forms fairly even concentric spheres around the human body. A physically healthy person can be described something like this: “In the form of a fountain, energy spreads through the top of the head on all sides above the person, then it collects in the perineum area for the next rise of the body upward.”

Many people claim to see a person's aura. Looking thoughtfully at the person, they shake their heads and say: “One has a black aura, the other has a blue one,” and so on. Without questioning the ability of some people to see what is inaccessible to others, we note the following: among the so-called “really seeing” there are quite a lot of unscrupulous comrades who create a distorted idea of ​​​​bioenergetics.

A person who does not know how to replenish energy reserves on his own is forced to resort to the help of others. Either this is an unethical method - the selection of energy (vampirism), or an understanding of the laws of the Universe and the ability to interact with them. Teaching people to collect and use their powers is one thing, but feeding them with your power is another. And since his health, his mood, and performance directly depend on this, it would be good to understand what is an indicator of the purity of the field. We know examples showing that under the same conditions, one person works without getting tired, while another quickly gets tired. Even if someone actually knows how to provide help, he should not constantly “feed” energy to those who do not know how to do this themselves. He can harm not only himself, but also the patient.

Still exists bioenergetics of things.

The energy of the material embedded in the object plays an important role. Secondly, the energy of the person who made the thing (induced energy). After purchasing any item, the energy of the item will be either negative or positive. It depends on the good or bad thoughts and wishes that accompanied the transfer of this item.

Any thing in itself is not “bad”, carrying destructive energy. This or that charge is carried only by the feelings and thoughts of the person who gave us, sold or produced this thing. One way or another, we come to the conclusion that almost everything depends on the person himself, on his thoughts, on his feelings, on his attitude towards himself and others. Every person has a bioenergy field. Every second of our lives we influence our environment through our behavior.

It is generally accepted that ancient civilizations knew about bioenergy, and could also use energy and replenish its reserves. But over time, knowledge about bioenergy was gradually lost by humanity. In the Universe, of which man is a part, everything is interconnected. And if we don’t know or understand something, this does not mean at all that the phenomenon does not exist. It’s just that at the moment it is inaccessible to our consciousness.

The advice to turn to nature for help is very good, but the following fact must be taken into account here: Nature has changed after thoughtless management. According to moral laws, “everything that comes from you comes back.” For thousands of years, people have conquered nature. And nature has learned to protect itself from us. Conclusion: if ancient civilizations with knowledge of bioenergy could draw energy and strength from Nature, this is not always possible for us.

We take full responsibility for all our actions and actions. We stop being carriers of negative energy and become better people. It is very important for a person to understand: his every action, every thought, word has its own consequences, which affect his environment.

Bioenergy is a whole science, with its own laws and rules, the knowledge of which humanity needs to restore.

The fact that energy flows circulating in the human body that support its physical existence was known back in antiquity. We can say that this idea reflects the essence of energy medicine.

Bioenergetics... or the art of managing the body’s energy flows to achieve well-being and its role in aesthetics

“Sometimes the medicine lies within ourselves” (W. Shakespeare)

Bioenergy in ancient times

The energetic essence known in China as Qi (Chi) is based on three types of energy:

Ancestor or chromosomal energy, which is passed down to us by inheritance, called Ki (Qi).
Protective energy, responsible for the balanced functioning of the immune system, called Wei.
The energy we receive as a result of digestion and respiration, called Rong.

Ayurvedic medicine in India has been using the concept of “prana” for thousands of years to refer to the natural energy fields of the human body.

Bioenergy today

In Western culture, bioenergy has only recently begun to be perceived as an objective reality, on which not only dubious methods of alternative medicine, but also real methods of treatment can be built. For example, in the United States, for many years, special institutions have been developing the "energetic" concept, which explains how internal energy is related to a person's lifestyle, spirituality and psychosomatic state. In the early 1970s, the Institute for Psychosomatic Research, which works closely with the Institute of Bioenergetic Analysis in New York, was founded in Big Sur, California, by prominent psychologists and physicians of various specialties.

The energy that moves the body and is inextricably linked with mental energy is the subject of a new discipline - bioenergetics.

Even the ancient Greeks, long before our era and the research of American scientists, associated bioenergy with the quality of human life. The concept of “bioenergy” comes from the Greek words “life” and “strength, energy”.

Bioenergy and aesthetics

The entire cosmos is filled with energy, energy is also found inside our body, in every cell. It is this ability of energy to circulate freely within the body that is the key to our physical and mental health. If the client’s energy flows are well balanced, this will greatly simplify the cosmetologist’s work and help quickly achieve noticeable and lasting results. On the contrary, if the balance of energy flows is disturbed, the energy is either blocked or becomes excessive, and this will immediately affect your client’s body: aesthetic defects will arise that are difficult to correct, even with the help of the most modern techniques.

Bioenergy can also be used in the field of aesthetics, for example, for a cosmetologist who is familiar with the basics of this teaching, areas of muscle tightness on the client’s face will not interfere with their work. This is a fairly common situation, because the facial muscles are subject to a lot of tension, expressed in muscle contractures, which prevents the harmonious circulation of energy. A cosmetologist who is proficient in the practice of bioenergy is able to unblock constricted areas using simple and pleasant manipulations for the client. Such manipulations prepare the skin for procedures, improve the client’s overall well-being and help achieve optimal results.

Knowledge of bioenergy and mastery of its practical skills will help the cosmetologist better understand the needs of each client. It is for this reason that we are starting to publish a series of articles devoted to this still little-known topic.

Summary of Bioenergy Basics

A person draws energy from various sources:

  • The first source of energy is given to us as an inheritance and produces potential energy.
  • The second source is the combustion of oxygen.
  • The third source of energy is burning food.

From the last two sources we receive the so-called functional energy.

Potential energy

The first energy source we inherit is the basis on which a person’s life experience is formed with the help of external impulses. External impulses, in particular, include:

  • upbringing;
  • nutrition;
  • environment;
  • emotions;
  • Lifestyle.

In the process of development of the human body, potential energy is associated with external energy sources or with functional energy, which determines the quality of life and the psychological formation of a person.

Eight Energy Systems

In the human body, energy is produced through eight energy systems:

  • immune defense system;
  • nervous system;
  • the cardiovascular system;
  • respiratory system;
  • endocrine system;
  • digestive system;
  • excretory system;
  • reproductive system.

Energy is distributed through a transport system known as "energy meridians". The network of energy meridians is a powerful structure. Until recently, in the West, the existence of such a structure was viewed with distrust, since it is not directly related to human anatomy. Then research was carried out, and the introduction of radioactive isotopes into energy points proved that the body contains a system of very thin fibers, similar to channels with a diameter of 0.5 to 1.5 microns. The data obtained were used for further research. Infrared photography revealed the existence of luminous runs, and the distribution of this network was shown to exactly correspond to the maps contained in ancient treatises of Chinese medicine. Along the entire length of the network there are additional amplifiers that perceive the energy signal and transmit it to the next amplifiers. Ultimately, the signal reaches the system or organ for which this energy was intended.

Energy meridians carry the energy necessary for our lives, just like arteries carrying oxygenated blood - this analogy is quite appropriate. If, due to some functional or psychological reasons, energy is blocked or supplied unevenly, the entire psychophysical system, the work of which this energy ensures, suffers.

Research in the field of bioenergy conducted by the Big Shur Institute has identified eight main zones in which energy most often stagnates:

  • forehead and eye area;
  • area around the mouth: chin, mouth, jaw muscles, throat;
  • neck area;
  • chest area;
  • diaphragm;
  • stomach;
  • pelvic area;
  • legs.

Fortunately, all blockages do not occur in one person at the same time. Everyone, depending on their character and lifestyle, develops their own blocks.

Human bioenergy

According to the teachings of ancient Eastern philosophy, a person consists not only of a physical, material body. He is also surrounded by other, more subtle bodies. The main ones are etheric, astral and mental. Each such body is surrounded by an energy field. And their totality makes up the general energy field of a person, his aura. The visible body of a person is felt by the senses. the body, more subtle, is a semblance of the physical. It is sometimes called the "ethereal double". The etheric body has the property of preserving the forms of the physical body. The physical and etheric bodies have a common energy field. The color of its radiation is lilac-gray. It glows with a bluish-gray light. Yogis call it the "body of emotions." The astral body can change its radiation depending on the state and experiences of a person. It emits a light aura around. It can change color according to a person's thoughts. Bad thoughts are characterized by dark tones. Pure thoughts create light, bright colors.

Thus, during the course of a person’s life, all records of a person’s biography (thoughts, illnesses, death) are imprinted in the Information Field. As a result, an exact copy of the individual is created in the Information Field. This Field contains the entire complex acquired by a person during his lifetime.

The dowsing operator uses the first way in his work - connecting his consciousness to the general biofield of the Earth and obtaining the necessary information. Having tuned in to a certain image, the operator asks a mental question and, using the framework, receives an answer according to the “yes” - “no” principle.

In order to receive information from the environment, it is necessary to voluntarily free consciousness from receiving information carried by all five senses.

In the old days, man was a spiritual being who sought to understand the meaning of his existence through invisible forces and energy. Knowledge has been transformed, and today there are many practices that work with human bioenergy. There is a positive effect from bioenergy treatment, which should be learned and the secrets learned.

So far, the invisible side of human life has not been fully studied. However, the connection between soul and body and their influence on each other is gradually being confirmed.

What is bioenergy?

Only in recent years has medicine begun to accept the spiritual side of human life. What is bioenergy? This is a complex of processes for the transformation of energy, which is located inside the body and is responsible for the functionality of each of its cells. There are many practices that offer different ways to transform energy and influence it.

People have different understandings of what bioenergy is. Some perceive it as an aura that surrounds a person and performs a protective function. Others view it as the energy that is responsible for human activity. Still others compare it with the internal sensations that a person evokes with his energy in those around him. There is still no clear concept of what bioenergy is, since it performs many functions, which include everything described above.

In scientific circles, bioenergy refers to the invisible part of the body, which is responsible for the balance and harmony of all its functions. When examining a person’s aura, areas are visible that do not glow as desired. In this case, they talk about a gap, which becomes a window for the penetration of various demons, demons and other energy creatures. Also, gaps in the aura and changes in its color indicate the state of the body.

Man himself is an energetic being. So far, this area is little studied and unclear. The harmonious functioning of the body is regulated by the energy processes that occur in it. If there is a shortage of a component, it can be replaced with another type of energy. For example, there is the practice of eating sunlight. If a person does not eat food, then he dies over time. However, there are people who have learned to convert sunlight into the very energy that the body receives from food.

Here we should remember about energy vampires, a concept with which many people are familiar. After communicating with certain people, a person may feel tired, drooping, and exhausted. If this state occurs every time after communicating with the same people, then we are talking about energy vampires. These are people who can subconsciously feed on the energy of those around them when certain situations arise. Typically, energy vampires consume other people's energy in moments of scandals and other stressful situations.

Human bioenergy

Practices for regulating human bioenergy are aimed primarily at restoring internal balance. At the same time, a person learns to feel his own body, understand it, regulate it, and even help it in certain situations.

Human bioenergetics refers to energetic processes that participate in the life of the entire organism. If there is not enough energy, this leads to various disorders and diseases. This is why it is recommended to study practices to restore your energy field.

Body and soul are one in this science. Just as one’s state of mind can affect a person’s health, physical well-being can also affect one’s mental state. That is why there are many techniques that help influence one or another area of ​​a person in order to restore balance.

The most remarkable science can be called psychosomatics, which examines the influence of mental state on the development of a particular disease. This issue was actively studied by Louise Hay and Valery Sinelnikov, who wrote books that examined in detail the internal experiences, beliefs of people and the diseases that develop against their background.

Today's medicine actively uses various spiritual techniques that are aimed at restoring mental balance and physical health. Of course, complete elimination of diseases is not possible without medications. However, spiritual practices speed up the healing process.

To achieve balance and gain energy, practices such as:

  1. Work with the aura, where a person can individually concentrate on points or allow a specialist to influence him.
  2. Meditation, where what a person imagines affects what he perceives from the world around him.
  3. Yoga is a system of poses that regulate the flow of energy within the body.
  4. Acupuncture.
  5. Reflexology.

Massages, essential oils, visualization and other therapies are also used here.

Bioenergy training

Human life is completely subordinated to the bioenergetic processes that occur in him. When a person gets sick, other areas of life also decline. Loss of energy leads to loss of interests and activity. That is why every person must undergo at least basic training in bioenergy, which can be done on the psychotherapeutic assistance website.

The modern world is full of various situations that constantly penetrate the human biofield and upset its balance. These include hereditary diseases, postpartum trauma, problems in relationships with loved ones, stressful situations, disasters and other factors. A person is constantly under stress, which depletes his energy field. It is necessary to study practices that help in its restoration.

Bioenergetics training was previously considered secret. Knowledge was passed on only by gender or there were certain institutions into which the chosen ones were accepted. Today, there is a lot of literature, schools and practices in the public domain that talk about how to achieve harmony in your body.

The main directions are:

  • Control the course of your thoughts.
  • Mental influence on your own body.
  • Working with internal feelings, sensations, thoughts.
  • Focus on the goal.
  • Self-healing.
  • Cleaning energy channels.
  • Energy replenishment.
  • Restoring energy protection, etc.

A person who knows how to manage personal energy flows is able to help other people. Knowledge comes only with practice. If a person can help himself, then he becomes able to help others. This allows you to avoid surgical operations and the use of medical methods, which, in parallel with treatment, also cause harm to the body. A person who knows how to influence the functioning of his body is able to get rid of diseases in the early stages of their development.

Bioenergy treatment

Since in ancient times people believed more in the existence of otherworldly and invisible forces, they actively used various bioenergy treatment practices. The most common is yoga, when a person performs breathing exercises and takes certain poses that help in regulating the circulation of energy.

People who are highly sensitive can diagnose others by penetrating their biofield with their hands or seeing the color of their aura. In healthy people, the biofield is intact and the color of the aura has certain warm colors. When a person gets sick, then he feels a gap or the aura changes color to a colder one. All this can be felt by healers who have high bioenergy.

In addition to diagnostics, the healer deals with the treatment of diseased organs. This occurs through the transfer of energy from the healer to the patient, which is expressed in the filling of the patient’s energy and the loss of it by the healer. Accordingly, after each procedure, the healer requires special rest to replenish the energy expended.

By and large, every person can heal himself, only to do this you need to know how to do it. All people have energy. Special exercises, which can be learned from literature available on the Internet, help in concentrating energy on the diseased organ. Healing from a disease leads to the restoration of bioenergy as a whole.

Additional practices will include exercises to restore energy and gain inspiration. Fatigue comes when a person struggles with problems, thinks about troubles, and remembers the past. But energy appears immediately after you set the end result that you want to achieve after solving problems, define goals, and think about the future.

How to get rid of fatigue and gain energy? You need to stop struggling. Accept the fact that trouble exists. Stop thinking about the past, especially if it doesn't make you happy. You feel tired because you want to cope with all your problems. But how can you deal with them if you think about the reasons for their occurrence, and not about the end result you want to get when you solve them?

A person often gets stuck at the stage of searching for the causes of problems: “Why did this happen to me?”, “Who is to blame for this?” In other words, it is as if a person is trying to find some kind of “magic wand” in the causes of the problem in order to use it and eliminate the problem. He doesn’t want to have a problem, but he also doesn’t set a goal for what final result he wants to achieve. That is, you think about the problem itself, and not about what you want to achieve when you solve the current situation. It takes energy.

Inspiration comes when you think about what you want to achieve. You are not stuck in the causes of the problem, although you analyze them; your attention is focused on what you want to get as a result of your actions and decisions. Your thoughts are directed to the future, which you want to achieve using the experiences of the past. In other words, you don’t “burden” yourself with past mistakes, but remember them so as not to make them again.

“Running away from what I don’t want” causes fatigue. You don't want to have problems or unpleasant memories of the past, so you want to run away from them. But it just makes you tired. You don't know where exactly you want to run. You already know what you are running from. What do you want to run to? If you don't know it, it causes fatigue. “I want to get to...” generates energy because your attention is focused on the direction of movement, on what makes you happy, and not on what you are running from (which makes you sad).

Secrets of bioenergy

Bioenergy has many secrets. Man has not yet fully explored his own capabilities, which allows everyone to take care of themselves and discover new secrets.

Bioenergy is considered a protective shield that protects a person from the influence of the outside world. It is often discussed in topics about energy vampires or the influence of evil spirits and creatures. As long as the energy shield is intact, the person is protected from any negative influence.

The most important secret of bioenergy is that it can be influenced. Sergey Ratner has developed a whole technique that allows you to learn how to manage internal energies. This happens through meditation, which can consist of simply calming your breathing, thoughts, and sensations. The most effective exercise is to do meditation before bed, when the body is a little tired. Right before entering sleep, a person must give himself a command that will be sent to the subconscious. In this way you can influence the functioning of the body.

Treatment with bioenergy is possible through imagination, which helps direct energy of the desired nature to the diseased organ. A person who knows how to control his imagination is able to master these practices.

A person is a body and his soul. An amazing thing happens with flowers that are given to a person. It was noted that the lifespan of flowers in a vase depends on the internal attitude of the giver to the one to whom the flowers are given. If the bouquet does not stand for more than a day after it was presented, it means that the attitude of the person giving it is frivolous or even negative. This is clearly demonstrated by fading flowers. But if the bouquet lasts two or three days or more, it means that the person treats it with warm and bright feelings.

Similar patterns can be seen in many things. For example, there is a belief that in the hands of a person with negative energy everything breaks. And food prepared with bad thoughts quickly spoils.

Communication with the soul can occur in various ways: through sleep, during a meal (when a person eats, his subconscious opens) or through writing phrases and text with his left hand.

Previously, there were dolmens - small closed structures. People were put there who saw the world around them only through a small window. It is not known why the dolmens were built. However, they are scary to people because the person remained in them in complete silence, alone with himself and his soul. After spending some time there, you could hear your own thoughts and the voice of your soul. That is why a person so diligently surrounds himself with various noises (TV, music, friends, etc.) so as not to hear his soul, bad thoughts and conscience. However, only after spending a few days in complete solitude, you can hear not only the soul, but also the whisper of the Universe.

The soul always speaks to its human owner. But not everyone can hear it. Knowing this, you can avoid many problems and troubles. If, after the occurrence of an event, situation, news, you have a negative attitude not immediately, but over time, this does not come from the heart, but from the mind. Remember that the soul reacts immediately to the situation that arises. The mind reacts late, after some analysis of the situation. Therefore, if a negative attitude appears some time after the incident, then it is far-fetched. This is the “woe from mind” effect.

Bottom line

Man is a far unknown creature, whose body gradually reveals its secrets. Multiple spiritual practices allow you to influence yourself, becoming more conscious and purposeful. A person is given the ability to influence himself, even the development and state of his own body, which happens not only through food or clothing, but also through thoughts, emotions, and sensations. The result of the ability to manage your bioenergy is health of the body and balance in the soul.

Many factors can disrupt the harmony of body and soul. Firstly, there are people who do not believe in the existence of a soul, limiting their knowledge only to exact knowledge. This only prevents you from fully understanding your body and how you can influence it.

Secondly, there are many situations that provoke mental and physical imbalance. A person often uses only those methods that are familiar to him, forgetting to take an interest in what is not yet familiar to him.

Thirdly, the inability to cope with one’s own experiences. Emotions arise in all people. If a person does not know how to consciously transform the energy that arises into something useful for himself, then it negatively affects him.

It should be remembered that a person influences not only himself, but also those around him. The environment also influences one person. It is necessary to have the skills to restore your own energy protection, which is constantly pierced by other people and invisible energy. This will get rid of many problems, illnesses and bad moods.

All living beings in the world - stones, trees, people, animals, plants - have their own bioenergy or, as it is also called, energy field (the substance of electromagnetic fields). Therefore, the relationship between man and nature and the world around him occurs as a result of the exchange of energy and information that passes from one object to another. A person who knows how to exchange energy better than others and lives more concentrated, harmonious and fulfilling. Here are some tips to help you determine your own or another person's bioenergy.

How to determine human bioenergy

  • There are many factors that influence human bioenergy. Everything turns out to be important – the day a person was conceived, the year of conception and the place. If a child was conceived during an eclipse, then its energy field has some disturbances, since during the eclipse the Earth’s biofield changes.
  • Solar activity also plays an important role in human destiny. People who were born during solar activity are distinguished by powerful energy and are resistant to environmental influences. Those born from March 10 to 21 have an energy that attracts adventure. Therefore, cleaning their biofield is a necessary activity for them. They need to go barefoot and engage in physical activity. Those born in August have good health and powerful bioenergy, unlike people born in a different period.
  • The exemplary biofield has an egg-shaped, symmetrical shape, elongated above the head and extends beyond the physical body by 40 cm - 1.5 meters. The loss of this form occurs due to disturbances in the psychological portrait of a person. You yourself have repeatedly observed changes in a person’s energy - a guest entered the room, and the impression was that he took up almost the entire place and displaced everyone else present. And a person who spent the whole time sitting unnoticed by anyone has weak energy. The normal color of the biofield is white and all light colors.
  • Every person has developed intuition, some have it stronger, some have it weaker, but still you can feel very well how to determine a person’s energy and understand whether he is suitable for you or not. Therefore, you need to listen to your feelings: do you feel weak after talking with this or that person, is there an exacerbation of any illness, are you calm, are you nervous over trifles? If you get positive answers to all these questions, then this means that the biofield of this person suits you.

Restoring bioenergy at home

Life will become much more comfortable if you prepare protection in advance in case of any energy invasion. Damaged bioenergy of a person, of at least one family member, adult or child, also deforms the general biofield of the entire family. Therefore, it is wise to engage in prevention.

General protection from energy intrusions involves the creation of special energy fields (screens, shields) that will allow positive energy to pass through and retain negative energy that can be brought by neighbors, acquaintances, or friends of a son or daughter. Various geopathogenic zones can also be a source of negative energy.

To create a protective screen for human bioenergy, the efforts of the whole family will be required. You have to close a protective capsule around your home, and your family biofield will give you the strength to create it. The technique that is offered to you is taken from Eastern spiritual practices.

Protecting the bioenergy of your home

Have the family gather in the central part of the house. When everyone sits down, relaxes, feels comfortable and calm, ask them to imagine that the house is surrounded by waves of golden light - it has become bright, clean and kind. Now stand in the center of the room, with your back to the front door. Concentrate and imagine that with one effort of will you are covering the wall opposite you with a flow of positive energy. Raise your right hand and trace the outline of this wall. Imagine that a bright stream of green light is rushing towards her from your fingers. Run your hand along the perimeter of the wall, closing the energy circuit in the direction of the sun's movement (from right to left). Imagine that the entire wall becomes transparent green, alive, pulsating.

In the same way, work with the other walls of the room, you can use both hands at the same time. Next, close the energy circuit of the ceiling and floor. The last one to close is the contour of the wall behind your back. Now turn to face her. And finally, close all the screens into a single capsule. To unify the energy fields you have created, move your hand as if making a circle.

At first, you can create color screens so that you can see whether the energy dome is collapsed or expanded.

Think of doors and windows not as openings in the wall, but as patterns on wallpaper. The walls will seem solid, which means there will be no places that could allow negative energy to pass through.

If necessary, the screens can be collapsed and expanded. Clap your hands and imagine that the screen rolls up from the walls to the center of the room, turning into a tiny roll, and the roll itself disappears between your palms. If you need to expand the screen, just one clap is enough. Spread your arms to the sides and the screen will “unfold”.

How to cleanse your home of bad energy

What to do if negative energy has already accumulated in the house? The screen will not let it through, but it is necessary to free the house from negativity. It is recommended to periodically remove the screens and cleanse the living space of energetic dirt. Cleanliness is the key to health, we know this from childhood.

If family members are too emotional, their mood or interests change sharply, then shielding will not help you. In order to align the family biofield, you need to constantly work with it, destroy the vortex flows that punch holes in the protective capsule you created.

Bioenergy purification

The following method must be used if relationships in the family begin to deteriorate. He will clearly demonstrate to you how bioenergy affects a person. To restore mutual understanding, sometimes it is enough to say that you still love each other. However, the simpler the solution, the more difficult it is to implement. We are not used to looking for easy ways, so we will take a detour.

Women are most often the initiators in any endeavor in the family. You will have to warn your spouse so that he is prepared and not surprised by anything.

So, early morning. Stand opposite your husband, extend your hands towards his hands, but do not join them. Let there be a distance of about 20 cm between your hands. Fingers apart. Now look at your husband and imagine that inside you, in the navel area (here is the energy center responsible for sexuality), a burning stream of energy is uncontrollably rushing out. It splashes out into your outstretched hands, taking the shape of a ball. Send this ball towards your husband’s navel chakra, feel how the same ball breaks out of his hands and both fireballs merge, swirl, turning into a common stream of energy that spreads, absorbs both of you, reliably protecting you and isolating you from the world. Hug your husband: now a protective energy dome is closing over your heads, your biofields are being adjusted and synchronized.

Check your feelings: you feel a surge of strength and confidence in the future. Your spouse feels the same way.

Restoration of bioenergy and biofield

The best way to normalize the family biofield is to work on each chakra for each family member. This kind of work takes little time, and no specific knowledge or skills are required.

Prepare a copper bell; its sound should be pleasant to you: not too high, not too low. Stand behind one of the family members (husband, child, grandfather, grandmother, etc.), raise the bell above his head at a distance of about 10-20 cm. If the child is still very small, he can lie down.

Slowly walk around the person clockwise, gradually lowering the ringing bell until it reaches the level of the lower chakra. Then, continuing to walk around, gradually raise the bell until it is above the crown of the head.

If you want to cleanse your own biofield, it is better to do it while lying down. The actions are performed in the following sequence: first you ring the parietal chakra, then the frontal chakra, go down to the throat, heart, work with the solar plexus area, navel and lower chakra, and then repeat the movement in the opposite direction. Sometimes the result appears immediately: it becomes easier to breathe, an extraordinary lightness appears in the body, and a slight tingling sensation appears in the arms and legs. All this is a consequence of the fact that blood flows through the vessels faster, and the cells receive more nutrition.

It's good if you ring the chakras at least from time to time. This will help you withstand any energy attack.

If you need to protect another person, for example, a weaker spouse or your child, then just imagine how your protective dome expands and absorbs the biofield of this person. The light floats in and gently draws his biofield inward, as if taking it under your protection. Now human bioenergy will be protected.

Exercises for bioenergy

For people with imaginative thinking, this exercise will help. Roll up all your troubles into one big ball. On the way to the house, mentally unwind it, leaving threads on tree branches and wires. At the door, turn around and be sure to say from the bottom of your heart: “Let all bad things become good!”

After this, look at the sky, and even if heavy clouds are crawling across it, you will feel how high and pure it is, how beautiful the pristine world is, not ennobled by the achievements of civilization. That's all.

Restoring human energy

How to cleanse energy with fire

It is best to do the exercise before bed. Draw the curtains and turn off the lights. Place a lit wax candle in the center of the table (at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the edge) and sit in a soft chair. Take a comfortable position. Relax completely. Without looking away, look at the candle flame for 10 minutes. After some time, you will feel a pleasant numbness and a feeling of lightness in your head and throughout your body.

Repeat this exercise every day for a week. The lesson should begin on the night from Sunday to Monday and end, accordingly, on the following Sunday.

The benefits of silicon energy for bioenergy

Stones serve as an excellent absorber of negative human bioenergy. To protect the room and stabilize the positive aura in it, use silicon. Silicon can be bought at a pharmacy. Or collect a whole collection on a pebble beach.

So, you have just found a place where negative energy is being injected into the room. Place a piece of silicon nearby. You can simply place silicon in the corners of the room to form a square or rectangle. The protective capabilities of these items are such that they can protect the entire room.

Silicon must be cleaned of accumulated dirt once a month. This is very simple to do: place it under running cold water for two to three hours, then leave it outside for a day so that it is saturated with the energy of the stars and the Sun.

Coil springs

Working with human bioenergy requires the use of certain items. For example, cylindrical springs. Springs can absorb negative energy for one and a half to two years without any cleaning if they are large enough, at least 5-6 cm in diameter.

Music to restore bioenergy

Music has a wonderful cleansing effect. It's good if you know the mantras. At least one. Mantras not only cleanse the house, not only fill it with warmth, goodness and light - they also charge the one who pronounces them, bringing harmony and well-being.

But other melodies that are pleasant to your ear will also be great, but, of course, not hard rock or other similar “musical” compositions that destroy a person. Destructive both physically, mentally and energetically.

"Shield of Shambhala" for bioenergy

If you are not protected from the negative effects of other people's energy by your spirituality, the consequences can be very severe and serious, both for you personally and for your home. Human bioenergy should always be protected. The proverbial words: “I carry everything I own with me” fit perfectly in this case.

In the East there was a coherent system of defenses against energy capture. One of them is the “Shield of Shambhala”. The legendary Shambhala, which Elena Ivanovna Roerich wrote about, is a country of high spirituality, prosperity, virtue and well-being. Shambhala personifies longevity, kindness, eternity and the achievement of high spirituality.

The technique of execution is as follows: Straighten your left hand, press your thumb to the hand. Clench the fingers of your right hand into a fist. Place your fist on the back of your left hand.

The Shambhala Shield is the protection of life, health, prosperity, prosperity.

If trouble happens in your home, face it head on. You can survive anything, you can cope with any adversity.

Every situation teaches something, and there is always a reason for gratitude if desired. Moreover, obstacles are necessary because by overcoming them, a person grows spiritually.

Protection from bad energy

If you direct negative thoughts and negative energy at a person, you can destroy his defense, that is, his biofield, which is a protection against the influence of black magic on a person. His human bioenergy is disrupted, he becomes weak and an easy victim for otherworldly forces that are constantly looking for a person with a weak biofield. A person begins to get sick, he gets tired quickly, and his strength constantly goes away. The task of the biofield and human energy is to constantly protect it from evil creatures and various negative people who are trying to break through and crack this wall. To prevent this from happening, you need to protect your energy.

Ways to protect against negative bioenergy

  • One of the easiest and at the same time reliable ways. If you feel somehow uncomfortable with a person, then cross your legs and arms while talking and continue the conversation. Now this person will not be able to pour out his negativity on himself. Your biofield is closed, and no one will be able to squeeze into it. There will be no energy leakage.
  • The second method is called a “protective ring”. Connect your thumbs and index fingers. You will form a ring, now it will be a protection ring. Just fold the rest of your fingers.
  • A similar method is called “ring nesting”. Make two rings from your fingers, connecting them at the same time. Repeat three times, this method will close your biofield from the penetration of negativity into it.
  • There is another way to protect yourself. This is using "egg". Feel that there are golden peas around your solar plexus. They move about you in 4 directions. They should come from the solar plexus. They should lie in a horizontal plane, the approximate distance is an outstretched arm. They seem to form a cross. Now imagine and feel that the cross begins to rotate around you. When it begins to rotate quickly, a hoop begins to form, which will protect you. During its rotation, it resembles an egg. The color should be golden, blue or orange.
  • Restoring human bioenergy will be effective if you use the “mirror wall” method. Imagine that there is a brick wall around you. It should have several rows. The outer part of the brick wall is mirrored. As soon as negative energy is directed towards you, the mirror image returns it to the person who sent all this negativity towards you.

According to esotericists, all diseases are not from viruses and microbes, not from bad ecology or personal experiences, but from disturbances in the flow of energy inside the human body. To get rid of physical illnesses, it is important to learn to feel pleasant, warm waves inside the body and be able to control them.

A reasonable question is, where to start studying bioenergy? From the very beginning! It is important to understand what it is and how to manage the great gift of nature, which is inherent in every person from birth.

Babies are pure souls that have not yet been affected by the prejudices of civilization; they easily perceive and emit streams of energy. But as soon as the material laws of the world are instilled in a child, he closes himself off from the energy-information field and “forgets” that he is not only a physical being, but also an energetic one.

Basics of bioenergy for beginners

It is important to know that the word “bioenergy” comes from the Greek language and consists of two parts: bio - life and energy - the ability to act. The meaning is inherent in the concept itself; without the movement of energy inside the body, life cannot exist.

The term was introduced in 1956 by American biochemist and Nobel Prize winner Albert Szent-Gyorgyi. He was the first to put forward hypotheses about the functioning of living beings and the provision of life-giving energy to their bodies.

Every person must realize that all organs inside the physical body are connected not only by the circulatory and nervous systems, they have strong connecting bioenergetic threads. Treatment of any disease with medications makes no sense if the natural force field is not restored.

How to restore a person's energy? At first, people believed that nutrition could only be obtained from food. Now the idea of ​​energy sources has expanded, flows come from the vast Universe, from the power and light radiation of the Earth and the Sun, from Mother Nature itself. Our planet is designed in such a way that it fully provides a person with everything necessary - nutrition as a building material for cells and energy for their existence.

Feeling your energy body

A person may not know about the existence of an energy shell and the movement of flows inside the body. People may deny extrasensory perception and not believe in what is not visible to the eye. But the energy information field will constantly remind itself and manifest itself in everyday life. The entire space around is permeated with flows, and man himself is a carrier of enormous energy. It’s not for nothing that in the acclaimed film “The Matrix” robots used people like ordinary batteries, sources of constant and inexhaustible current.

To understand the basics of bioenergy for beginners, is it enough to do a simple exercise?

When in a room, on the street or in nature, you need to straighten up and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Select a remote object for training. It could be a wall, a door or a tree. Extend your hand towards the selected object and begin to mentally lengthen it.

The etheric body can expand to enormous sizes, and very soon a tingling sensation will appear on the fingertips. The energetic “hand” touched the surface and transmitted a signal to the brain about its structure.

On a note! When Doctor Strange came to Tibet, he did not believe that his hands would be restored. But suddenly I saw how a master without upper limbs easily created portals for movement, and became convinced of the power of his energetic self.

Bioenergy exercises start small. It is important to realize the capabilities and dimensions of your etheric double. Mentally, you can grow to the size of a house, shrink to the size of a pea, travel without leaving the couch, and look at your physical body from the outside. Anyone can easily do these exercises, and it will not be a game of imagination, but real practice with their energy body.

It is necessary to do one more exercise in order to feel the aura on the physical level - the outer energy shell of the physical essence.

You need to sit on a chair, relax and bring your open palms to your head. Hot spots will immediately appear on your palms. According to reviews from practitioners, there are sensations of warmth or cold, pressure is felt on the temples and a slight tingling on the cheeks.

The integrity of the external aura is important for human health. Any damage to the shell is fraught with the penetration of energy entities, negative manifestations of other people and, as a result, the occurrence of fatal diseases.

Filling the body with energy and treating physical ailments

From popular practices it is known that 7 types of energies move inside a person. The cone-shaped energy system is divided into spheres, the so-called chakras, and in a healthy person there is a constant movement of currents through all vital points.

The development of human bioenergy depends on two main flows. They move in different directions: one flow goes along the spine from top to bottom and breaks out at the lower chakra, the other moves through the stomach up and exits through the upper chakra. You can easily feel them if you do a simple exercise.

You need to stand up straight, relax and immerse yourself in your inner world.

Mentally you need to walk along the spine parallel to the upward flow. Do this procedure several times and enter the pleasant thermal flow that comes from the lower chakras to the head.

If you completely immerse yourself in these sensations, the flow will first move like a thin stream, and then turn into a stormy hot river.

This practical bioenergy exercise helps pump stagnant energy inside the body and fill the upper chakras in the chest, throat, bridge of the nose and crown.

A powerful flow of Earth energy also passes through the body. It is important to be able to use it and pass the life-giving force through every cell of the human body.

Another exercise will easily teach you how to control the flow of internal energy. Mentally, you need to install a lever or arrow in your head and tune in to your upward energy flow. When it becomes strong and quite perceptible, you need to move the arrow, as if directing the flow to a certain point. An open lever will allow internal force to radiate outward, a closed arrow blocks the flow and directs it in the opposite direction.

After several workouts, you will experience real sensations of pleasant warmth and relaxation. Managing the upward flow will help remove blocks, cut off outside influences, and even allow you to manage the people around you. For example, you can try to concentrate, turn on a strong upward flow and make the person turn around. After 2-3 workouts you will definitely succeed and you will be able to feel the true power of your energetic self!

The third exercise will allow you to work with downward flows of energy. It is necessary to relax again and mentally direct the currents along the spine to the lower chakras. Pleasant sensations will immediately arise in the pelvic area, warm waves will warm the internal organs and cause a relaxing hot rush.

Filling the pelvic area with energy is equally beneficial for both men and women. A sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity close the lower chakras, the energy system does not update, and work “freezes.”

It is not for nothing that a person consists of 70% water. He was created by higher powers as an excellent conductor, and currents constantly pass through his body, escaping from the earth, nature and space. It is important to understand that the study and constant development of the human energy ecosystem is necessary for his health and long life.

Managing your internal energy flow is as important as eating, sleeping and studying. To form a holistic energy body, daily practices, healing procedures and prayer mantras will help. Man, with the help of the forces of nature and internal capabilities, will be able to achieve true highest perfection!

Energy is the basis of life.
She's everywhere.
Thanks to her, this world exists.
We exist.

Subtle energy is primary, the physical plane is secondary. All processes occurring on the subtle plane tend to be displayed in physical reality; the speed and period of display depend on the linear time constant of a given physical reality. Illness, in whatever manifestation it may be, be it diseases of the physical body, internal organs, mental or spiritual illnesses, illnesses of the spirit, is a consequence of an incorrect way of thinking.

Thought is energy in a certain range of energy frequencies. Each emotion has its own wave vibration. Each of our thoughts or emotions, regardless of our desire, goes into space and, like a stone thrown into water, creates and intensifies a similar vibration in the general global energy flow. Every thought or emotion we have, regardless of our desire, comes back to us in the form of a wave vibration of the same wavelength, amplified by an order of magnitude by similar waves of the general world flow. “What you sow, you reap”, “and what you throw will return to you tenfold.”

The energies of the galactic core are very strong and under their influence, a transformation of our reality, our reality, our life, our existence on the physical plane and in subtle bodies is currently taking place.

The universe consists of an infinite number of energy fields, with different wavelengths (vibrational frequencies), which in their essence resemble threads of light. And these threads (energy fields) come from a light source called God or the Supreme Cosmic Mind.

  • All together the energy fields form the General Energy World Flow.
  • Energy fields permeate our entire space. Lower vibration energies are physical in nature and form our physical Universe. They consist of physical bodies, objects, planets and their satellites, etc. The energies of subtle (high vibrations) have the ability to freely pass through the energies of lower vibrations, while enriching them with light and information of a more subtle order, spiritualizing them.
  • Each type of energy field, which has a different wavelength (vibration frequency), has its own specific color: from black, dark brown, red to blue, indigo, violet, gold and white, white-silver.
  • All beings in the Universe also consist of the same energy fields, which manifest themselves in the form of a luminous cocoon or aura.
  • Depending on a person’s thinking, energy fields, the aura, are painted in certain colors, from gray-black to light blue, gold and white. The color of the aura speaks about the quality of energy emitted by a person into the world around him, his lifestyle, state of mind and health. Those. the state of our aura, subtle bodies and physical body, our health, beauty and youth directly depend on our way of thinking.
  • A person is a drop of energy in the general world flow and one of the tasks of a person, his purpose and lesson on the physical plane is the transformation of karmic interactions and merging with the general world flow, the study of duality through the study of the physical plane and the transformation of dual energies into a single purposeful whole.

The not entirely clear, very scientific concept of “bioenergy” has already become an integral part of our life. Along with such words as “aura”, “esotericism”, “nirvana”, “reiki”, “prana”, etc. These expressions are heard quite often; completely different people talk about it. Only the meaning that is put into them does not always coincide. Human ideas about “bioenergy” are quite different. For some reason, the expression Bioenergy evokes associations specifically with psychics. This is far from true.

Almost all people think: “Bioenergy is something like extrasensory abilities that exceptionally gifted people possess.” People, seeing an evil person, reasonably believe that his energy is also evil, bad, and one should expect only something bad and negative from him. For example, the evil eye or damage, “energy vampirism” (energy extraction) and similar things. And a kind person radiates goodness, often serves as a battery, he is ready to give energy.

Although the concept of bioenergy has entered our everyday life, it remains completely unclear. Every housewife, every schoolchild who sometimes watches TV can explain that each of us has some kind of shell, maybe even several of them. They will also tell you that Aura can be healthy or sick. Every person wants to have a healthy aura, but few people know how to do this, since they do not consider bioenergy in relation to themselves.

Bioenergy concept

This is how the concept of Bioenergy is explained in dictionaries:

Bioenergy is a scientific discipline that studies energy processes in cells, tissues, individuals, ecosystems, etc. (Dictionary of natural sciences.)

Bioenergy - (1) a discipline that studies the processes of energy transformations during the existence of biological organisms and the functioning of the biosphere as a whole; (2) the branch of knowledge about the unified information field, about its interaction with biological objects of all levels of complexity. (Encyclopedia of Esotericism)

The nature of the bioenergy field has already been quite well studied in scientific circles. But there is a certain mass of people who consider this quackery. Most scientists have the following point of view: the bioenergy field is the carrier of human consciousness. It controls biological processes, the bioenergy field organizes the existence and vital activity of matter.

If we consider the individual energy information field, it is a part of the single energy information field of the Universe. To put it very simply, everyone has their own field. It is subject to influence from the surrounding world, but also itself affects the surrounding world.

People knew about the biofield in the distant past. Since the biofield cannot be seen with the naked eye, in order to reflect the fact of its existence, ancient drawings depicted a halo, a glow indicating the invisible that surrounds the human body. The assumption about the existence of diseases transmitted by energy is quite controversial. No one can confirm or deny this circumstance with great certainty. Higher, subtle energy forms fairly even concentric spheres around the human body. A physically healthy person can be described something like this: “In the form of a fountain, energy spreads through the top of the head on all sides above the person, then it collects in the perineum area for the next rise of the body upward.”

Many people claim to see a person's aura. Looking thoughtfully at the person, they shake their heads and say: “One has a black aura, the other has a blue one,” and so on. Without questioning the ability of some people to see what is inaccessible to others, we note the following: among the so-called “really seeing” there are quite a lot of unscrupulous comrades who create a distorted idea of ​​​​bioenergetics.

A person who does not know how to replenish energy reserves on his own is forced to resort to the help of others. Either this is an unethical method - the selection of energy (vampirism), or an understanding of the laws of the Universe and the ability to interact with them. Teaching people to collect and use their powers is one thing, but feeding them with your power is another. And since his health, his mood, and performance directly depend on this, it would be good to understand what is an indicator of the purity of the field. We know examples showing that under the same conditions, one person works without getting tired, while another quickly gets tired. Even if someone actually knows how to provide help, he should not constantly “feed” energy to those who do not know how to do this themselves. He can harm not only himself, but also the patient.

There is also the bioenergetics of things. The energy of the material embedded in the object plays an important role. Secondly, the energy of the person who made the thing (induced energy). After purchasing any item, the energy of the item will be either negative or positive. It depends on the good or bad thoughts and wishes that accompanied the transfer of this item.

Any thing in itself is not “bad”, carrying destructive energy. This or that charge is carried only by the feelings and thoughts of the person who gave us, sold or produced this thing. One way or another, we come to the conclusion that almost everything depends on the person himself, on his thoughts, on his feelings, on his attitude towards himself and others. Every person has a bioenergy field. Every second of our lives we influence our environment through our behavior.

It is generally accepted that ancient civilizations knew about bioenergy, and could also use energy and replenish its reserves. But over time, knowledge about bioenergy was gradually lost by humanity. In the Universe, of which man is a part, everything is interconnected. And if we don’t know or understand something, this does not mean at all that the phenomenon does not exist. It’s just that at the moment it is inaccessible to our consciousness.

The advice to turn to nature for help is very good, but the following fact must be taken into account here: Nature has changed after thoughtless management. According to moral laws, “everything that comes from you comes back.” For thousands of years, people have conquered nature. And nature has learned to protect itself from us. Conclusion: if ancient civilizations with knowledge of bioenergy could draw energy and strength from Nature, this is not always possible for us.

We take full responsibility for all our actions and actions. We stop being carriers of negative energy and become better people. It is very important for a person to understand: his every action, every thought, word has its own consequences, which affect his environment.

Bioenergy is a whole science, with its own laws and rules, the knowledge of which humanity needs to restore.

The fact that energy flows circulating in the human body that support its physical existence was known back in antiquity. We can say that this idea reflects the essence of energy medicine.

Bioenergetics... or the art of managing the body’s energy flows to achieve well-being and its role in aesthetics

“Sometimes the medicine lies within ourselves” W. Shakespeare

Bioenergy in ancient times

The energetic essence known in China as Qi (Chi) is based on three types of energy:

The ancestral or chromosomal energy that is passed on to us by inheritance, called Qi.

Protective energy responsible for the balanced functioning of the immune system, called Wei.

The energy we get from digesting food and breathing is called Rong.

Ayurvedic medicine in India has been using the concept of “prana” for thousands of years to refer to the natural energy fields of the human body.

Bioenergy today

In Western culture, bioenergy has only recently begun to be perceived as an objective reality, on which not only dubious methods of alternative medicine, but also real methods of treatment can be built. For example, in the United States, for many years, special institutions have been developing the "energetic" concept, which explains how internal energy is related to a person's lifestyle, spirituality and psychosomatic state. In the early 1970s, the Institute for Psychosomatic Research, which works closely with the Institute of Bioenergetic Analysis in New York, was founded in Big Sur, California, by prominent psychologists and physicians of various specialties.

The energy that moves the body and is inextricably linked with mental energy is the subject of a new discipline - bioenergetics.

Even the ancient Greeks, long before our era and the research of American scientists, associated bioenergy with the quality of human life. The concept of “bioenergy” comes from the Greek words “life” and “strength, energy”.

Bioenergy and aesthetics

The entire cosmos is filled with energy, energy is also found inside our body, in every cell. It is this ability of energy to circulate freely within the body that is the key to our physical and mental health. If the client’s energy flows are well balanced, this will greatly simplify the cosmetologist’s work and help quickly achieve noticeable and lasting results. On the contrary, if the balance of energy flows is disturbed, the energy is either blocked or becomes excessive, and this will immediately affect your client’s body: aesthetic defects will arise that are difficult to correct, even with the help of the most modern techniques.

Bioenergy can also be used in the field of aesthetics, for example, for a cosmetologist who is familiar with the basics of this teaching, areas of muscle tightness on the client’s face will not interfere with their work. This is a fairly common situation, because the facial muscles are subject to a lot of tension, expressed in muscle contractures, which prevents the harmonious circulation of energy. A cosmetologist who is proficient in the practice of bioenergy is able to unblock constricted areas using simple and pleasant manipulations for the client. Such manipulations prepare the skin for procedures, improve the client’s overall well-being and help achieve optimal results.

Knowledge of bioenergy and mastery of its practical skills will help the cosmetologist better understand the needs of each client. It is for this reason that we are starting to publish a series of articles devoted to this still little-known topic.

Summary of Bioenergy Basics

  • A person draws energy from various sources:
  • The first source of energy is given to us as an inheritance and produces potential energy.
  • The second source is the combustion of oxygen.
  • The third source of energy is the combustion of food.

From the last two sources we receive the so-called functional energy.

Potential energy

The first energy source we inherit is the basis on which a person’s life experience is formed with the help of external impulses. External impulses, in particular, include:

  • upbringing;
  • nutrition;
  • environment;
  • emotions;
  • Lifestyle.

In the process of development of the human body, potential energy is associated with external energy sources or with functional energy, which determines the quality of life and the psychological formation of a person.

Eight Energy Systems

In the human body, energy is produced through eight energy systems:

  • immune defense system;
  • nervous system;
  • the cardiovascular system;
  • respiratory system;
  • endocrine system;
  • digestive system;
  • excretory system;
  • reproductive system.

Energy is distributed through a transport system known as "energy meridians". The network of energy meridians is a powerful structure. Until recently, in the West, the existence of such a structure was viewed with distrust, since it is not directly related to human anatomy. Then research was carried out, and the introduction of radioactive isotopes into energy points proved that the body contains a system of very thin fibers, similar to channels with a diameter of 0.5 to 1.5 microns. The data obtained were used for further research. Infrared photography revealed the existence of luminous runs, and the distribution of this network was shown to exactly correspond to the maps contained in ancient treatises of Chinese medicine. Along the entire length of the network there are additional amplifiers that perceive the energy signal and transmit it to the next amplifiers. Ultimately, the signal reaches the system or organ for which this energy was intended. Energy meridians carry the energy necessary for our lives, just like arteries carrying oxygenated blood - this analogy is quite appropriate. If, due to some functional or psychological reasons, energy is blocked or supplied unevenly, the entire psychophysical system, the work of which this energy ensures, suffers. Research in the field of bioenergy conducted by the Big Shur Institute has identified eight main zones in which energy most often stagnates:

  • forehead and eye area;
  • area around the mouth: chin, mouth, jaw muscles, throat;
  • neck area;
  • chest area;
  • diaphragm;
  • stomach;
  • pelvic area;
  • legs.

Fortunately, all blockages do not occur in one person at the same time. Everyone, depending on their character and lifestyle, develops their own blocks.

Human bioenergy

According to the teachings of ancient Eastern philosophy, a person consists not only of a physical, material body. He is also surrounded by other, more subtle bodies. The main ones are etheric, astral and mental. Each such body is surrounded by an energy field. And their totality makes up the general energy field of a person, his aura. The visible body of a person is felt by the senses. the body, more subtle, is a semblance of the physical. It is sometimes called the "etheric double". The etheric body has the property of preserving the forms of the physical body. The physical and etheric bodies have a common energy field. The color of its radiation is lilac-gray. It glows with a bluish-gray light. Yogis call it the "body of emotions." The astral body can change its radiation depending on the state and experiences of a person. It emits a light aura around. It can change color according to a person's thoughts. Bad thoughts are characterized by dark tones. Pure thoughts create light, bright colors.

Thus, during the course of a person’s life, all records of a person’s biography (thoughts, illnesses, death) are imprinted in the Information Field. As a result, an exact copy of the individual is created in the Information Field. This Field contains the entire complex acquired by a person during his lifetime.

The dowsing operator uses the first way in his work - connecting his consciousness to the general biofield of the Earth and obtaining the necessary information. Having tuned in to a certain image, the operator asks a mental question and, with the help of frames, receives an answer according to the “yes” - “no” principle.

In order to receive information from the environment, it is necessary to voluntarily free consciousness from receiving information carried by all five senses.