Early romantic work of the bitter old woman Izergil. “Romantic works of M. Gorky. Questions for abstracts

(353 words) Maxim Gorky's early story "Old Woman Izergil" was written at the end of the nineteenth century. By that time, literature had completely moved away from romanticism, and critical realism was very firmly rooted in it. However, the responses of the old literary direction could be found in literary creativity even then, and Gorky's early work is the clearest confirmation of this.

First of all, it is worth noting the places that the author describes throughout the story. The story itself begins in distant southern Bessarabia, on the Black Sea coast. The writer draws an idealistic picture: numerous dense vineyards, warm and soft wind, simple happy people. The legend of Larra stretches before us the unexplored eastern steppes, where strong and noble people live in harmony with rich nature. The story of the old woman Izergil takes us either to a Romanian village, or to exotic Turkey, or to distant Bulgaria. It is characteristic that of all the countries visited by Izergil, only European Poland causes her sharp rejection. The legend of Danko also tells about a certain mysterious country with sun-drenched fields, an ancient mighty forest and cheerful, strong people. And this is a very characteristic sign of romanticism, which idealized the archaic exoticism of the southern countries in defiance of the dull everyday life of an enlightened, but vulgar and soulless Europe.

The second distinguishing feature is the main characters, who in the romantic tradition always stand out sharply from the surrounding gray mass. In this, Gorky also follows the tradition: the immortal son of the eagle Larra, with whom no man can compare, the beautiful and sensual Izergil, with whom every man falls in love on her way, the lonely Danko, surrounded by embittered, frightened people.

However, the very essence of romanticism - the conflict between a bright individual who always stands one step above his opponents, and a dull mass of people, who is appointed by the writer of romanticism as the main villain, was completely changed by Gorky. Larra appears before us as an insensitive killer, who eventually goes crazy with loneliness, Izergil, looking for his true love, breaks the fate of many people on his way and eventually becomes a withered old woman, wasting his life in vain, and only Danko, who, instead of to come into conflict with people, he gave his life for them, finds happiness and peace.

Despite external similarities with the works of the era of romanticism, Gorky's story only contains the external attributes of this literary movement in order to more clearly convey morality, which fundamentally contradicts it.

romantic traits in early prose Gorky will help you better understand its ideological and thematic richness. And the Wise Litrekon is trying to contribute to this, but if he didn’t succeed, write what is wrong in his work?

In the period from 1892 to 1902, the then still unknown 24-year-old Alexei Peshkov wandered the steppes of Bessarabia, who will very soon enter Russian literature under the pseudonym Maxim Gorky (Fig. 1).

Heavy and at the same time wonderful were those 5 years for the writer. Heavy, because it was hard: in order not to die of hunger, Gorky did not disdain any, even the hardest work. At the same time, the future writer accumulated impressions, observed, gained experience, met interesting people. All this later formed the basis of his work.

Rice. 1. M. Gorky

The first works of young Gorky are devoted to the period of southern wanderings. These are stories "Makar Chudra", "Chelkash", "Old Woman Izergil".

The titles contain the names of the main characters. They are unusual, unusual for us. How unusual are the events that the narrator narrates. Synonyms for the word "unusual" - mysterious, mysterious, beautiful, fantastic, romantic.

All these definitions accurately reflect the impression of Gorky's early romantic stories.

The role of landscape in Gorky's romantic stories

Landscape (fr. Paysage from pays, area, country) - 1) view of the area; 2) in art - an artistic depiction of nature. To be more precise, this is one of the types of artistic description or a genre of fine art, the main subject of the image in which is nature, a city or an architectural complex.

The main purposes of using the landscape:

Reveal the state of the hero;

Contrast the surrounding world with human beliefs;

Establish compositional links between parts of the work;

Reflect the mystery of nature, its beauty and uniqueness.

From the first lines of the story “Old Woman Izergil”, the reader is immersed in the atmosphere of the southern night, feels the caress of the warm sea wind, hears the sounds of the night steppe, sees singing people returning from work: “The air was saturated with the sharp smell of the sea and the greasy fumes of the earth, shortly before the evening soaked in rain. Even now fragments of clouds roamed the sky, lush, of strange shapes and colors, here - soft, like puffs of smoke, gray and ash-blue, there - sharp, like fragments of rocks, dull black or brown. Between them, dark blue patches of sky glittered affectionately, adorned with golden flecks of stars. All this - sounds and smells, clouds and people - was strangely beautiful and sad, it seemed like the beginning of a wonderful fairy tale.

means of artistic expression, which help to give the landscape unusual, mysterious, romantic:

EPITHETS: “the pungent smell of the sea”, “lush, strange outlines and colors”, “tenderly shone”, “stars decorated with golden dots”, “it was strange, beautiful and sad”, “wonderful fairy tale”.

METAPHORS: “scraps of clouds”, “wisps of the sky”, “specks of stars”.

COMPARISONS: clouds, “like clouds of smoke”, “like fragments of rocks”.

PERSONIFICATION: "shards of clouds roamed the sky."

Features of the composition of Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil":

Legend of Larra

The life of the old woman Izergil.

Each part is framed by a romantic landscape in which nature seems to come to life and becomes a participant in the story, enhancing the romantic content of the legends.

A legend, like a myth and a fairy tale, is a genre of oral folk art. Events in the legend are embellished or exaggerated. The protagonist of the legend is an unusual, exceptional, romantic personality.

Romantic heroes of Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil"

"The Legend of Larra"



20-year-old boy, handsome and strong.

The eyes are "cold and proud, like those of the king of birds."

Attitude towards others

Arrogance, contempt:

"He answered if he wanted, or was silent, and when the oldest tribes came, he spoke to them as to his equals."



The reaction of others

The name Larra means "outcast, thrown out."

Finale of the legend

“He has no life, and death does not smile on him. And there is no place for him among people ... That's how a man was struck for pride!

Idea"Legends of Larra": “For everything that a person takes, he pays with himself: with his mind and strength, sometimes with his life.”


"one of those people"


"a handsome young man", "a lot of strength and living fire shone in his eyes."

Attitude towards others

Altruism: “He loved people and thought that maybe without him they would die. And now his heart flared with the fire of desire to save them, to lead them to an easy path.


Self-sacrifice: “He tore his chest with his hands and tore out his heart from it and raised it high above his head. It burned as brightly as the sun, and brighter than the sun, and the whole forest fell silent, illuminated by this torch of great love for people.

The reaction of others

1. "All together they followed him - they believed in him."

2. “And they began to reproach him for his inability

manage them"

3. "Joyful and full of hope, they did not notice his death."

The final

“He cast a glance ahead of himself on the expanse of the proud steppe on the free land and laughed proudly. And then he fell and died.

Idea. The legend of Danko, a handsome, brave and strong hero, carries the idea of ​​heroism, self-sacrifice, altruism (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Legend of Danko

Danko helps people not for fame and recognition, but for their happiness. And let people not immediately appreciate his feat. But nature itself did not let them forget about Danko's feat: "it became terribly quiet in the steppe, as if she was struck by the strength of the daredevil Danko, who burned his heart for people and died without asking them for anything as a reward for himself."

Comparison of Larra and Danko

The heroes are united by only one point of comparison: both are young, beautiful, and proud. Otherwise, they are opposite. Larra is the embodiment of selfishness, cruelty, cynical indifference to people, pride. Danko is an altruist who performs the feat of self-sacrifice in the name of people. Thus, the story is built on antithesis, and the characters are antipodes.

Antipode (ancient Greek ἀντίπους - “opposite” or “opposing”) - in the general sense, something located opposite to something else.

In a figurative sense, it can be applied to any opposite objects, for example, to people with opposite views.

The image of the old woman Izergil

In the story "The Old Woman Izergil" the author includes the story of the old woman about her life. These memories are compositionally placed between the two legends. The heroes of legends are not real people, but symbols. Larra is a symbol of selfishness, Danko is altruism. As for the image of the old woman Izergil, her life and fate are quite realistic.

Izergil is very old: “Time bent her in half, her once black eyes were dull and watery. Her dry voice sounded strange, it crunched like an old woman spoke with her bones.

The old woman talks about her life, about the men whom she first loved, and then betrayed, and only for the sake of one was she ready to give her life. All her lovers outwardly could be ugly. But this was not the main thing for Izergil. She chose those who are capable of action: “He loved exploits. And when a person loves feats, he always knows how to do them and finds where it is possible. In life, you know, there is always a place for exploits. And those who do not find them for themselves are simply lazy or cowards or do not understand life, because if people understood life, everyone would want to leave behind their shadow in it. And then life would not devour people without a trace ... "

In her life, Izergil often acted selfishly. For example, let us recall her escape from the harem with the son of the Sultan, who soon died. She says: “I cried over him. Who will say? Maybe I killed him." But Izergil was also capable of a feat of self-sacrifice. For example, she risks herself to save a loved one from captivity.

The old woman Izergil measures people with such concepts as honesty, directness, courage, and activity. For her, they are beautiful people. Izergil condemns boring, cowardly and vile people. She is proud that she has seen a lot in her lifetime and believes that her life experience should be passed on to the young. That's why she tells the legends about Larra and Danko.

Questions for abstracts

Find and read the description of the steppe before and after the Danko legend. What role does the romantic landscape play in the story?

Can Danko and Larra be called romantic heroes? Justify the answer.

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Continue acquaintance with the early work of M. Gorky;
  2. Analyze legends. Match the main characters of the legends Larra and Danko;
  3. To trace how the writer's intention is revealed in the composition of the story;
  4. Consider features romanticism in the work under study.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment

In 1895, "Samarskaya Gazeta" published M. Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil". Gorky was noticed, appreciated, enthusiastic responses about the story appeared in the press.

II. Main part

1. The early stories of M. Gorky have a romantic character.

Let's remember what romanticism is. Define romanticism, name its distinctive features.

Romanticism is a special type of creativity, the characteristic features of which are the display and reproduction of life outside the real-concrete connections of a person with the surrounding reality, the image of an exceptional personality, often lonely and dissatisfied with the present, striving for a distant ideal and therefore in sharp conflict with society, with people.

2. Heroes appear in a romantic landscape. Give examples proving this (working with text). Conversation on:

What time of day does the story take place? Why? (Old woman Izergil tells legends at night. Night is the most mysterious, romantic time of the day);

What natural images can you highlight? (sea, sky, wind, clouds, moon);

What artistic means did the author use in depicting nature? (epithets, personification, metaphor);

Why is the landscape shown in this way in the story? (Nature is shown animated, it lives according to its own laws. Nature is beautiful, majestic. The sea, the sky are endless, wide spaces. All natural images are symbols of freedom. But nature is closely connected with man, it reflects his inner spiritual world. That is why nature symbolizes the boundlessness of the hero's freedom, his inability and unwillingness to exchange this freedom for anything).

CONCLUSION: Only in such a landscape, seaside, nocturnal, mysterious, can the heroine who tells the legends about Larra and Danko realize herself.

3. Composition of the story "Old Woman Izergil".

What is the composition of the story?

Why do you think the writer used this technique in the story? (In her legends, the heroine of the story expresses her idea of ​​​​people, about what she considers valuable, important in her life. This creates a coordinate system by which one can judge the heroine of the story).

How many parts of the composition could you single out? (Three parts: part 1 - the legend of Larra; part 2 - the life and love story of the Old Woman Izergil; part 3 - the legend of Danko).

4. Analysis of the legend about Larra.

Who are the main characters of the first legend?

Is the story of the birth of a young man important for understanding his character?

How does the character relate to other people? (contemptuously, arrogantly. He considers himself the first on earth).

A romantic work is characterized by a conflict between the crowd and the hero. What is at the heart of the conflict between Larra and humans? (his pride, extreme individualism).

What is the difference between pride and pride. Separate these words. (Card #1)

Card #1

Pride -

  1. Self-esteem, self-respect.
  2. High opinion, excessively high opinion of oneself.

Pride is unreasonable pride.

Prove that it is pride, and not pride, that is characteristic of Larre.

What leads to the extreme individualism of the hero? (to crime, to selfish arbitrariness. Larra kills a girl)

What punishment did Larra suffer for his pride? (loneliness and eternal existence, immortality).

Why do you think this punishment is worse than death?

What is the author's attitude to the psychology of individualism? (He condemns the hero, in whom an anti-human essence is embodied. For Gorky, the lifestyle, behavior, and character traits of Larra are unacceptable. Larra is an anti-ideal in which individualism is taken to extremes)

5. Analysis of the legend about Danko.

a) The legend of Danko is based on the biblical story of Moses. Let's remember it and compare it with the legend of Danko. Student's individual message. (Students listen to the biblical story and compare it with the legend of Danko).

God commanded Moses to lead the Jewish people out of Egypt. Jews have lived in Egypt for hundreds of years, and they are very sad to leave their homes. Convoys were drawn up, and the Jews set off.

Suddenly the Egyptian king regretted that he had let his slaves go. It so happened that the Jews came to the sea when they saw behind them the chariots of the Egyptian troops. The Jews looked and were horrified: in front of the sea, and behind the armed army. But the merciful Lord saved the Jews from destruction. He told Moses to strike the sea with a stick. And suddenly the waters parted and became walls, and in the middle it became dry. The Jews rushed along the dry bottom, and Moses again struck the water with a stick, and behind the backs of the Israelites it closed again.

Then the Jews went through the desert, and the Lord constantly took care of them. The Lord told Moses to strike a rock with a stick, and cold water gushed out of it. The Lord showed many favors to the Jews, but they were not grateful. For disobedience and ingratitude, God punished the Jews: for forty years they wandered in the desert, they could not come to the land promised by God. Finally, the Lord took pity on them and brought them closer to this land. But at this time their leader Moses died.

Comparison of the Biblical story and the legend of Danko:

What is the similarity between the biblical story and the legend of Danko? (Moses and Danko take people out of places dangerous for further living. The path turns out to be difficult, and the relationship of Moses and Danko with the crowd becomes more complicated, as people lose faith in salvation)

How does the plot of the Danko legend differ from the biblical story? (Moses relies on the help of God, as he fulfills his will. Danko feels love for people, he volunteers to save them, no one helps him).

b) What are the main features of Danko? What is the basis of his actions? (love for people, desire to help them)

What act did the hero do for the love of people? (Danko accomplishes a feat, saving people from enemies. He leads them out of darkness and chaos to light and harmony)

How is the relationship between Danko and the crowd? Work with text. (At first, people “looked and saw that he was the best of them.” The crowd believes that Danko will overcome all difficulties himself. Then they “began to grumble at Danko”, since the path turned out to be difficult, many died on the way; now the crowd was disappointed in Danko. "People fell on Danko in anger" because they were tired, exhausted, but they are ashamed to admit it. People are compared with wolves, animals, because instead of gratitude they feel hatred for Danko, they are ready to tear him to pieces. Indignation boils in Danko's heart , “But it went out of pity for people." Danko pacified his pride, since his love for people is limitless. It is love for people that drives Danko's actions).

CONCLUSION: We see that Larra is a romantic anti-ideal, so the conflict between the hero and the crowd is inevitable. Danko is a romantic ideal, but the relationship between the hero and the crowd is also based on conflict. This is one of the features of a romantic work.

Why do you think the story ends with the legend of Danko? (this is an expression of the author's position. He sings the feat of the hero. He admires the strength, beauty, courage, courage of Danko. This is the triumph of goodness, love, light over chaos, pride, selfishness).

6. After analyzing the legend of Larra and Danko, independent work of students. Students compare Danko and Larra, write down the conclusions in a notebook. Table check.


1. Attitude towards the crowd

2. The crowd is the hero

3. Distinctive character trait

4. Attitude towards life

5. Legend and modernity

As a result of the work of students with the table, you can get the following:

Comparison of the images of Danko and Larra


1. Attitude towards the crowd

Love, pity, desire

despises people, treats

to help them

im arrogant, not considered

2. The crowd is the hero



3. distinctive character trait

Love, compassion, courage,

Pride, selfishness, extreme

mercy, courage, skill

individualism, cruelty

suppress pride

4. Attitude towards life

Ready to sacrifice

Takes everything from life and people, but

life to save people

gives nothing in return

5. Legend and modernity

Blue sparks (light, heat)

Turns into a shadow (darkness,

6. Actions performed by heroes

A feat for the love of people,

Evil, crime

good deeds

7. The attitude of the writer to the characters

Ideal, sings of its beauty,

Anti-ideal, condemns him

courage, feat for the sake of love for

actions, anti-human


7. But the story is called “Old Woman Izergil”. Why do you think M. Gorky titled his story this way? (the main character of the story is, after all, the old woman Izergil, and the legend is needed in order to understand her character, to understand what is important, the main thing for her).

Legends frame the life and love story of the old woman Izergil.

Which character does the heroine belong to? Mark with an arrow in card No. 2

Card number 2

Students independently note, check. Justify your choice. (The old woman Izergil refers to herself as Danko, as she believes that the meaning of her life was love)

Card #2

Why do you think Gorky refers the old woman Izergil to Larra? (her love is inherently selfish. Having fallen out of love with a person, she immediately forgot about him)

III. Lesson conclusion. Summing up the lesson.

IV. Homework:

  1. Reading the play "At the bottom";
  2. Consider History creating a play, genre of work, conflict.


  1. Russian literature of the XX century - Textbook for grade 11 / ed. V.V. Agenosova: M.: Publishing House "Bud" 1997;
  2. N.V. Egorova: Lesson developments in Russian literature of the XX century, grade 11. M.: Publishing house “VAKO”, 2007;
  3. B.I. Turyanskaya: Literature in the 7th grade - lesson by lesson. M.: “ Russian word”, 1999

In the early romantic work "Old Woman Izergil" Maxim Gorky reflects poetically on humanity and freedom. The spirit of romanticism simply overwhelms this story. The author himself considered it one of his best works, built at the highest level. An analysis of Gorky's "Old Woman Izergil" will prove that the author, like many other writers, turned to the most topical topic - the meaning of life.

Story Features

M. Gorky's book "Old Woman Izergil" was published in 1894. The story clearly shows the features of romanticism:

  • the main character is opposed to the main characters;
  • the hero is credited with qualities presented in superlatives;
  • image of unusual landscapes (description of the sea, steppe).

It is known that Maxim Gorky traveled a lot around the country, collecting various legends and stories that lived in the memory of people. It was these legends that he told in the work "Old Woman Izergil". This story deserves the fullest analysis. The reader sees the original book as a story within a story. Its composition is distinguished by some features:

  • contains three independent parts: the legend of Larra, life quest the old woman Izergil herself, The Legend of Danko;
  • all parts are united by the inner idea and tone of the story;
  • the content of the first and third parts of the story are opposite to each other;
  • the central part of the book is a story about the life of Izergil;
  • The story is told from the perspective of an old woman.

An analysis of "Old Woman Izergil" shows that the main concept of the work is the ability to live without people for oneself (like Larra), to live next to people, but for one's own benefit (like the old woman Izergil), to give one's life for others (like Danko).

Proud and lonely Larra

In the first part, the old woman told about a young handsome guy Larr, whose father was a mountain eagle, who had once kidnapped the young man's mother. The reader sees a proud, impudent, selfish guy. With such a proud character, it was difficult for him to get along among other tribesmen. It was for these qualities that Larra paid dearly. Once he committed a terrible act - he killed the daughter of the leader, who rejected him. The community came up with a punishment for the young man - eternal exile and loneliness. At first, it did not upset Larra, but then it became simply unbearable. After some time, the hero realized what the meaning of life was, but it was too late: from suffering, he turned into a shadow, reminding people of his existence.

The search for the meaning of life of the old woman Izergil

Where does the analysis of the "Old Woman Izergil" lead, namely the second part of it? The reader is immersed in the life story of the narrator herself. Izergil enjoyed success among men, did not deprive them of her love. She is a traveler and has traveled to many parts of the world. She enjoyed playing with other people's feelings. To achieve her goal, she even went to the murder once. If the heroine left someone, she never returned. She gave all of herself to love. In the end, Izergil realizes that there is no need to look for love at the end of the world, it is enough to lead a measured life with a loved one and children.

Danko's self-sacrifice

Gorky endowed his hero Danko with romantic features. Analysis of "Old Woman Izergil" is impossible without this character. Handsome, strong and courageous Danko was a real leader, he knew how to lead people. He was free-spirited and unselfish. This helped him become the leader of his people and lead them out of the dark forest. It was not easy to go, angry people lost faith in their leader. Then Danko tore out his heart from his chest, which burned with love for people, and lit the way for them. In this way, he gave the people his warmth and kindness, coming from a burning heart.

What did he get in return? As soon as people got out of the forest, everyone immediately forgot about the dying Danko. Someone even stepped on the fading heart of the leader. Only night sparks in the steppe expanse reminded people of Danko's disinterested act. In the image of this young man, readers see a real hero who saw the meaning of life in serving others.

What are the similarities and differences between the fates of the characters?

Ancient legends carry instructive conclusions, the old woman Izergil told them to the younger generation. The action in the legends takes place in ancient times. The fate of the narrator herself is somewhat similar to the fate of Larra and Danko. Both had a stormy rebellious life, both aspired to become independent. The ideal of the old woman Izergil and Danko is love for others and self-sacrifice. They dedicate themselves to others.

Like Larra, Izergil forgets about people who become of little interest to her. She knows how to take, but she can also give. Larra only eagerly took, giving nothing away. Where did the heroes end up? Larra's behavior led him to a loneliness that was unbearable. The old woman Izergil stuck to random people and lives with them last years. The reader has something to think about, to try to find the true path in life. Perhaps between Larra's individualism and Danko's altruism there is an ideal point in the coordinate system.


In his "walking around Russia" M. Gorky peered into the dark corners of life and spent a lot of writing effort to show what kind of hard labor their working days can become for people. He tirelessly searched at the "bottom" of life for something bright, kind, human, which can be opposed to the mundane, soulless world. But Gorky had little to say about how badly people live. Gorky began to look for those who are capable of a feat. He dreamed of strong, strong-willed natures, of fighters, but did not find them in reality. The writer contrasted the gray existence of people with the bright, rich world of the heroes of his stories.

The main theme of Gorky's romantic stories was the theme of love and freedom. Already in one of his first stories - "Makar Chudra" - Gorky expresses his own point of view: freedom for a person is the main thing in the world. A hymn to freedom and love is the story of young gypsies Loyko Zobar and Radda. Their love burned with a bright flame and could not get along with the world of ordinary, dull living people. In the gray life that people have created, the beloved would have to "submit to the tightness that squeezed them." But Radda and Loiko preferred death. Heroes do not want to sacrifice their will even for each other. For them, freedom, will is the main thing in life. “I have never loved anyone, Loiko, but I love you. Also, I love free will. Will then, Loiko, I love more than you. Even love turned out to be powerless before the human desire for freedom, which is achieved at the cost of life.

In another story by Gorky - "Old Woman Izergil" - the writer combines the legend of Larra, the story of the life of Izergil and the legend of Danko. The main idea repeated in all three parts - the dream of people ready for a feat - makes the story a single whole. A special place in the story is occupied by the image of Izergil, who carried self-esteem throughout her life. The story of her life is the personification of freedom, beauty, moral values ​​of a person. And a reproach to the wingless, boring life of people, a reproach to many generations that have disappeared from the face of the earth without a trace: “In life, you know, there is always a place for exploits ... everyone would want to leave their shadow behind in it. And then life would not devour people without a trace. She knew what a feat was, but she could not live her life with dignity. The heroine can only rely on her mistakes to show people the right path.

The old woman Izergil is frightened by the fate of Larra, casting a shadow on her own life. The strength of character, pride and love of freedom in Larr turn into their opposite, because he despises people, treats them cruelly. In a rush to freedom, he set foot on the path of crime, for which people punish him, dooming him to eternal loneliness. Protesting against the everyday life, Larra forgot about moral laws. Thus, Gorky says that life for the sake of freedom in solitude loses its meaning. The writer condemns Larra's selfishness and cruelty, his pride and contempt for people.

According to Izergil, hallmark Danko was his beauty, and "the beautiful are always bold." Danko was driven only by love and compassion for people, and despite all their evil thoughts, his heart "flared with the desire to save" them. He takes it upon himself to lead the people out of the dark forest. Saving people, the hero gives the most precious thing he has - his heart. Gorky calls for self-sacrifice in the name of people. But Danko's act was not appreciated: “People did not notice his death and did not see what was still burning. his brave heart. Only one careful person. afraid of something, he stepped on a proud heart with his foot. By this, Gorky says that the time for such heroes has not yet come.

Thus, in Gorky's romantic works, the author clearly protests against a meager life, humility, humility, contempt, selfishness, and slave psychology. The heroes of the works destroy the usual course of life, strive for love, light, freedom. They refuse the miserable fate of serving things and money, their life has meaning, the main thing is will. Glorifying the beauty and grandeur of a feat in the name of people, they oppose people who have lost their ideals. Bright, passionate, freedom-loving - they glorify activity, the need to act. "The folly of the brave is the wisdom of life."

Other writings on this work

"Old Isergil" Author and narrator in M. Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil" Analysis of the legend about Danko from M. Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil" Analysis of the legend about Larra (from the story of M Gorky "Old Woman Izergil") Analysis of M. Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil" What is the sense of life? (according to the story of M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil") What is the meaning of the opposition of Danko and Larra (according to the story of M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil") Heroes of early romantic prose by M. Gorky Pride and selfless love for people (Larra and Danko in M. Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil") Pride and selfless love for the people of Larra and Danko (according to the story of M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil") Ideological and artistic features of the legend of Danko (according to the story of M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil") Ideological and artistic features of the legend about Larra (according to the story of M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil") The ideological meaning and artistic diversity of the early romantic works of M. Gorky The idea of ​​a feat in the name of universal happiness (according to the story of M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"). Everyone is his own destiny (according to Gorky's story "The Old Woman Izergil") How do dreams and reality coexist in M. Gorky's works "Old Woman Izergil" and "At the Bottom"? Legends and reality in M. Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil" Dreams of the heroic and the beautiful in M. Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil". The image of a heroic man in M. Gorky's story "The Old Woman Izergil" Features of the composition of the story by M. Gorky "The Old Woman Izergil" The positive ideal of a person in M. Gorky's story "The Old Woman Izergil" Why is the story called "Old Woman Izergil"? Reflections on the story of M. Gorky “Old Woman Izergil” Realism and romanticism in the early works of M. Gorky The role of composition in revealing the main idea of ​​the story "Old Woman Izergil" What is the purpose of M. Gorky in the story "The Old Woman Izergil" contrasts the concepts of "pride" and "pride"? The originality of the romanticism of M. Gorky in the stories "Makar Chudra" and "Old Woman Izergnl The strength and weakness of a person in the understanding of M. Gorky ("Old Woman Izergil", "At the Bottom") The system of images and symbolism in the work of Maxim Gorky "The Old Woman Izergil" Composition based on the work of M. Gorky "The Old Woman Izergil" Saving Arkadek from captivity (analysis of an episode from M. Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil"). Man in the work of M. Gorky Legend and reality in the story "Old Woman Izergil" Comparative characteristics of Larra and Danko What role does the image of the old woman Izergil play in the story of the same name The romantic ideal of Man in the story "Old Woman Izergil" Analysis of the legend about Larra from M. Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil" Heroes of romantic stories by M. Gorky. (On the example of "Old Woman Izergil") The main characters of Gorky's story "The Old Woman Izergil" The image of Danko "Old Woman Izergil" Composition based on Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil" What is the meaning of the opposition between Danko and Larra